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Index by NAME |
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Richard Jackson, M.D., M.P.H. public healther, California State Public Health Officer. Dr. Richard Jackson is the former Director of the National Center for Environmental Health at the CDC -- the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There he worked to increase support for stronger environmental health protection efforts throughout federal agencies, to engage CDC and local and state health departments in the genetics "revolution," and to increase efforts to improve the nutritional status of people in developing countries. Dr. Jackson also worked with groups and individuals from planners, architects, engineers, to academics and policy makers, exploring the implications of urban sprawl on environmental health. As California’s Public Health Officer, Dr. Jackson provides leadership and oversight of public health in California. [259-217]
Susan Jacoby — independent scholar and reporter. Author of Freethinkers: A History of American Secularism, Ms. Jacoby’s six previous books include Wild Justice: The Evolution of Revenge which was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. Ms. Jacoby is Director of the Center For Inquiry/Metro NY and a contributor to “The Washington Post,” “The New York Times,” “Newsday,” “Harper’s,” “Vogue” and “The New Republic.” [292-250]
Lady P.D. James detective novelist. Lady James is known globally as today's leading voice in the world's most popular form of fiction. In addition to being the author of more than a dozen murder mysteries and three works of nonfiction, she was named Baroness of Holland Park in 1991 and sits in the House of Lords. For thirty years, she ws in various departments of the British Civil Service, including the Police and Criminal Law Divisions of the Home Office. She has served as a governor of the BBC. a magistrate and charied the panel of judges for the prestigious Booker Prize. She answers most of the "over-familiar" questions she gets in Time To Be in Earnest. [220-179]
Carolyn Jessop — former member of the radical polygamist FLDS cult. Ms. Jessop, working with the Utah attorney general on church abuses, was crucial to the arrest, conviction and sentencing of FLDS leader, Warren Jeffs. Ms. Jessop’s memoir Escape traces her life, born into the sixth generation of polygamists and forced at 18 to become the 4th wife of a 50 year old man who fathered her 8 children in 15 years. She is the first woman to be given full custody of her children in a contested suit involving the closed world of the FLDS, Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, an off-shoot of the Mormon church. Ms. Jessop now actively campaigns in defense of women and children still trapped in polygamy nationwide, including boys ejected from polygamist cults totally unprepared for the larger world, and for active enforcement of anti-polygamy laws. [533a-346]
Ha Jin literary writer. Winner of the National Book Award for his novel, Waiting, Ha Jin is a native of China. He came to the US to attend Brandeis University in 1985 and is now a US citizen. Acclaimed for his literary genius, Mr. Jin writes his poetry, short stories and novels in English, in the tradition of Joseph Conrad and Nabokov. He has won the PEN/Hemingway Award, the Flannery O'Connor Award and the PEN/Faulkner Award. Ha Jin currently teaches creative writing at Emory University, the short stories in The Bridegroom are his latest. [200-158]
Gov. Gary Johnson Governor of New Mexico. Governor Johnson is a leading public voice for rethinking America's "drug war." He urges federal, state and local governments to make drugs a public health issue, instead of a legal one. The Governor offers striking examples of the wide range of social concerns directly tied to and exacerbated by the criminalization of marijuana and outlines the legislative package he has proposed to the New Mexico legislature. [212-170]
Haynes Johnson — journalist. McCarthyism never died in America, reports Haynes Johnson in The Age of Anxiety: McCarthyism to Terrorism. This Pulitzer Prize winning author’s many books include 5 national bestsellers including The Best of Times. Mr. Johnson’s career spans 50 years and includes being a reporter, editor and columnist for the Washington Post, a television commentator and he now holds the Knight Chair in Journalism at the University of Maryland. His father won the Pulitzer Prize in 1949 for his exposé of organized crime on the New York waterfront. [410-281]
Lonnie Johnson — inventor. Until now, Mr. Johnson is best know as the inventor of the Super Soaker water gun. It is the profits from that invention which have principally funded his research. With years of experience in the Air Force and NASA, at JPL and the Oakridge National Laboratory, he stepped outside the confines of industry, government and academia to pursue his own vision. Mr. Johnson is building and testing devices, batteries and solar electric generators, that many scientist had said were impossible. The odds are heavily against him, but he may be the person who leads us away from the fiscal and environmental devastation of fossil fuels. See what you think.
Tom Johnson former CNN President & CEO. Mr. Johnson retired from CNN in 2001 after leading it for 11 years. Before that, he was president & publisher of "Los Angeles Times" ('77-'90), editor & publisher of "The Dallas Times Herald" ('77-'77), EVP of the Texas Broadcasting Corporation ('71-'73), and served as President Lyndon B. Johnson's deputy press secretary and special assistant. Mr. Johnson has served on the boards of the Rockefeller, Knight, Mayo and LBJ foundations as well as Stanford University's Professional Journalism program. He is currently deeply involved in a campaign to remove the stigma of depression. [252-210]
Edward P. Jones — fiction writer. Winner of the PEN/Hemingway Award and a National Book Award finalist, Edward P. Jones is being widely heralded for his novel The Known World, a story of Black American slaveholders. Mr. Jones’ prizewinning prior book of short stories is Lost in the City. [266-224]
Erica Jong Feminist author, poet and autobiographer. Explores and attacks the mass media and defines her evolving role as a spokesperson in the shifting gender wars. Jong is as controversial today as when she wrote Fear of Flying almost 30 years ago. [70-22]
Robin Karr-Morse & Meredith Wiley — child welfare advocates. Karr-Morse and Wiley have evidence that individual and societal violence are rooted in the abuse and neglect children experience in their first 33 months of life. Karr-Morse and Wiley worked together to restructure, design, and manage the State of Oregon's services to families and children. Karr-Morse was the first executive director of the Oregon Children's Trust Fund, targeting child abuse state-wide. [96-49]
Stuart Kauffman theoretical biologist. Dr. Kauffman is an external professor at the Santa Fe Institute and a founder of Bios Group. He is an experimental and molecular biologist who is widely acclaimed for his work with self-organization and the science of complexity as applied to biology. A recipient of a MacArthur fellowship, Kauffman is also a physician (though he no longer practices) and author of At Home in the Universe, written for a general audience and The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution. [11-1]
Stuart Kauffman(2) theoretical biologist. One of the world's leading thinkers in the field of complex systems, Dr. Kauffman received a MacArthur “genius” award and is an external professor at the Santa Fe Institute, which he helped found. Winner of awards including the first annual Herbert Simon award and author of the widely admired books, At Home in the Universe, and Investigations, Dr. Kauffman is also Chair of Investigations Group, Inc. He is now the Director of the Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics at the University of Calgary. [211-169]
Stuart Kauffman(3) — theoretical biologist and author. Reinventing the Sacred: A New View of Science, Reason and Religion joins Dr. Kauffman’s At Home In The Universe and other books intended both for a general audience and for his colleagues at the forefront of emerging science. An early MacArthur Fellow, Dr. Kauffman is one of the world’s leaders in the study of complexity and the Founding Director of the Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics at the University of Calgary in Alberta, Canada. Among the original participants in the Santa Fe Institute, Dr. Kauffman is once again on its external faculty. He lectures around the world. [515-326]
Stuart Kauffman(4) — theoretical biologist and Charles Raison — psychiatrist. Stuart Kauffman and Charles Raison both explore life. Dr. Kauffman, renowned for his studies in complexity, is founding Director of the Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics at the University of Calgary, in Alberta, Canada, and an author whose books include Reinventing the Sacred and At Home in the Universe. Among Dr. Kauffman’s many accomplishments and awards, he was a founding faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute where he is an adjunct professor, and an early MacArthur Fellow. Dr. Charles Raison served as Director of Emergency Services and Associate Director of Consultation Evaluation Services at UCLA. In 1999, he joined Emory University’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and is Director of the Behavioral Immunology Clinic. Lecturing internationally, he is also co-principle investigator both studying the immune system relative to depression and fatigue, and the effects of Buddhist compassion meditation. He’s deeply involved in Emory University and Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Science Education Project for Tibetan Buddhist Monks. [523a-334]
Don Keenan attorney and child advocate. Mr. Keenan, one of the elite group of 100 "Circle of Advocates" and its youngest president to date, has for over 20 years been a plaintive's lawyer dedicated to the well-being of children. With pro bono cases for neglected and abused children featured in the national media, Mr. Keenan was described by the "Lawyers Weekly" newspaper as "the leading child advocate in the United States" and the "Voice of the Voiceless" by others. [194-152]
Randall Kennedy — legal scholar. Professor Kennedy teaches at the Harvard Law School. His books include Race, Crime and the Law and Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word. With an undergraduate degree from Princeton and a law degree from Yale, he was a Rhodes Scholar and served as a law clerk to Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Professor Kennedy’s latest book is Interracial Intimacies: Sex, Marriage, Identity, and Adoption. [271-229]
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. — environmental lawyer. Author of Crimes Against Nature: How George W. Bush and His Corporate Pals are Plundering the Country and Hijacking Our Democracy, Mr. Kennedy is also senior attorney for the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), chief prosecuting attorney for Riverkeeper, and president of Waterkeeper Alliance. In addition, he is a clinical professor and supervising attorney at the Environmental Litigation Clinic at Pace University School of Law, a former assistant district attorney for New York City and coauthor of The Riverkeepers: Two Activists Fight to Reclaim Our Environment as a Basic Human Right. [293-251]
Hon. Michael F. Kergin Canadian Ambassador to the United States. Ambassador Kergin is a career diplomat who served his country at home in Ottawa and in Central and South America before going to Washington, D.C., to be Canada's principal spokesperson to the U.S. government. He joined what is now the Department of Foreign Affairs and International trade in 1967. His postings abroad have included New York (the Canadian Mission to the United Nations), Cameroon and Chile. He was Canada's Ambassador to Cuba from 1986 to 1989 and was twice posted in Washington prior to becoming Ambassador. [258-216]
Tom King reporter. David Geffen -- an enormous force in American popular culture for more than 30 years, from music to movies to Broadway theater -- is the subject of The Operator. Mr. King is entertainment reporter for The Wall Street Journal, based in Los Angeles. [192-150]
Melvin Konner biological anthropologist and physician. Dr. Konner is at the forefront of scholars working to apply science to understanding human beings. His widely acclaimed books include Becoming a Doctor, The Tangled Wing,Why the Reckless Survive, Childhood (produced in association with the PBS series,) and he is co-author of The Paleolithic Prescription. He writes frequently for the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and The Sciences. With Ph.D. and M.D. degrees from Harvard, Dr. Konner is Professor of Anthropology and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at Emory University. [136-92]
Peter Kostmayer Executive Director, Zero Population Growth. A seven-term Congressman, Kostmeyer now leads ZPG, which was founded in 1968 as an international organization confronting the challenges of an exploding human population. Currently, ZPG is focused on combating the destructiveness of urban sprawl, rebuilding urban centers and finding more effective ways to prevent teen pregnancy. [108-62]
Peter Kramer psychiatrist and author. A clinical professor of psychiatry at Brown University, Dr. Kramer is author of the landmark book about antidepressants and the remaking of the self, Listening to Prozac, and now examines the other side of psychiatry -- relationships -- in Should You Leave?. He has a private practice in Providence, Rhode Island, and, in addition to publishing widely, lectures internationally on issues related to psychiatry and the modern sense of self. [141-97]
William J. Kramer Bookseller and Knowledge Innovator. Kramer spent more than 30 years as president of the prestigious book store his father founded in Washington, DC, Sydney Kramer Books, as well as leading the way for what "bookstore" has come to mean, starting with the cafe-bookstore concept. Kramer now spearheads The Knowledge Initiative, a collaborative project in human capital development and capacity building through world-class resource centers. [102-56]
Marvin Krislov — President, Oberlin College. Inaugurated in 2007, President Krislov was previously vice president and general counsel for the University of Michigan, where he devised the legal strategy with which the University successfully defended its affirmative action policies before the U.S. Supreme Court. At Oberlin, he carries on the teaching he has done since 1991, having previously worked for the U.S. Departments of Labor and Justice, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in D.C., and the Office of the Counsel to U.S. President Clinton. With undergraduate and law degrees from Yale, President Krislov earned his master’s in history from Oxford University’s Magdalen College as a Rhodes Scholar. [546a-359]
Robert Krulwich network correspondent for ABC News, regular "Nightline" contributor. Mr. Krulwich specializes in explaining complex news about economics, technology and science in a comprehensible, entertaining style. He has produced and co-hosted series with Ted Koppel, Peter Jennings and Barbara Walters. Before joining ABC in 1994, Mr. Krulwich appeared regularly on CBS This Morning, 48 Hours and CBS' Nightline with Charlie Rose. From 1978-1985, he was business and economics corresponded for National Public Radio, to which he still contributes. His reporting for PBS' "Frontline" has won a number of national awards. [205-163]
Barbara Krumsiek President, CEO and Vice-Chairman, The Calvert Group. "Socially Responsible Investing" was pioneered by the Calvert Group, a highly influential investment firm where people can bring their investment portfolios in line with their consciences. [125-79]
Ray Kurzweil inventor and futurist. Known for the startling ideas he offered in The Age of Intelligent Machines, Mr. Kurzweil continues to push out technology's boundries. In addition to his other works, he now asks us to consider what happens when computer intelligence exceeds that of humans in The Age of Spiritual Machines. Mr. Kurzweil's technology company is located on Boston's famous Route 128. [240-198]
Robert Kuttner Nationally known business columnist, editor and writer. Challenges the "fundamentalism" of today's economic conservatives for whom "the market" is sacrosanct. Kuttner carefully explains where the "The Chicago School" led by Milton Friedman is misguided and offers constructive alternatives to Everything for Sale. [62-14]
Thomas Laird — journalist. The Story of Tibet: Conversations with the Dalai Lama is the result of 60 hours of intense conversation between this veteran journalist and His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual and temporal leader of Tibet. The importance of understanding the past while working to find solutions for the future emerges as key to the remarkable story that emerges as the two explore conventional and non-conventional perspectives over long epochs of Asian history. Based in Katmandu for thirty years, he was the Nepal correspondent for Asiaweek for a decade, a regular contributor to Time and Newsweek and author of three additional books. His photography has appeared in two books and more than fifty magazines. [491-314]
Brian Lamb CEO, C-SPAN. Mr. Lamb founded C-SPAN in 1979, which provides live, unedited coverage of the US House of Representatives and the US Senate to cable viewers across America. Mr. Lamb hosts "Booknotes," a weekly 10 year old television series on which Mr. Lamb interviews authors of nonfiction, public affairs books. Booknotes and Life Stories draw from those programs. [144-100]
Edward J. Larson lawyer/historian. In the 1920s, Americans followed the famous "Scopes Monkey Trial" which pitted teaching evolution in public schools against fundamentalist Protestants, Clarence Darrow against William Jennings Bryant. Larson revisits that trial in this conversation, as he does in his Pulitzer Prize winning book, Summer for the Gods. Striking contemporary parallels emerge as majority rule and minority rights conflict, science meets religion. [140-96]
Edward J. Larson(2) — Pulitzer Prize winning author, historian of science and lawyer. Dr. Larson won the Pulitzer Prize for Summer for the Gods: The Scopes Trial and America’s Continuing Debate over Science and Religion. Among his books, he has written Evolution: The Remarkable History of a Scientific Theory for the prestigious Modern Library series. Dr. Larson’s articles have appeared in dozens of journals, including “The Atlantic Monthly,” “Nature” and “Scientific American.” He is both Professor of History and of Law at the University of Georgia. [365-279]
Edward J. Larson(4) — professor of history and law at Pepperdine University. Dr. Larson specializes in the tension between science and religion in America. In A Magnificent Catastrophe, he dissects the 1800 presidential election when Thomas Jefferson, democracy, and science barely defeated the Federalists, elitists and state religion. Dr. Larson won the Pulitzer with Summer for the Gods about the Scopes trial; his Evolution is a Modern Library book. His many articles have appeared in dozens of journals, including The Atlantic Monthly, Nature and Scientific American. [509-324]
Richard Lannon, M.D. psychiatrist. Love is essential to a healthy human individual and society, according to Dr. Lannon and his co-author/colleagues in A General Theory of Love. All three draw on their own extensive clinical experiences as practicing psychiatrists at the University of California San Francisco Medical Center, and a wealth of research. Dr. Lannon suggests how this revolutionary way of thinking about humans can alleviate personal pain and address social ills.
Elisabeth Lasch-Quinn historian. Author of Race Experts: How Racial Etiquette, Sensitivity Training and New Age Therapy Hijacked the Civil Rights Revolution, Dr. Lasch-Quinn is professor of history at the Maxwell School of the University of Syracuse in up-state New York. Her prior book, Black Neighbors won the Berkshire Prize. Dr. Lasch-Quinn is also a frequent contributor to The New Republic." [234-192]
Richard Leakey — paleoanthropologist and conservationist. Dr. Leakey is internationally acclaimed for his work both finding our ancient human ancestors and helping to prevent the extinction of African elephants. He is now part of a growing number of people worldwide who are concerned about the treatment and future of Great Apes, who include chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and orangutans, in addition to humans. He works to relieve human poverty and suffering as a first step in protecting the earth’s other creatures. [276-234]
Edward Lengel — historian. In To Conquer Hell: The Meuse-Argonne, 1918, Dr. Lengel honors the bloodiest battle in American history, remembered if at all for Carey Grant’s movie portrayal of Sergeant Alvin C. York, Dr. Lengel’s cousin. Other military history books Dr. Lengel has written include General George Washington: A Military Life. Dr. Lengel, in conjunction with the Papers of George Washington documentary editing project, received the National Humanities Medal. He makes frequent appearances on television documentaries and was a finalist for the George Washington Book Prize. He teaches history at the University of Virginia. [512-332]
Evan Levine — M.D. A practicing cardiologist and internist in New York City, Dr. Levine is affiliated with the Montefiore Medical Center where he is a clinical assistant professor of medicine. He was a summa cum laude graduate of a program associated with the City College of New York and Mount Sinai school of Medicine Dr. Levine is author of What Your Doctor Won’t (Or Can’t) Tell You. [289-247]
Daniel Levitin — musician. neuroscientist and bestselling author. Formerly a session musician, sound engineer, and record producer with artists including Stevie Wonder and Blue Oyster Cult, Dr. Levitin now runs the Laboratory for Musical Perception, Cognition, and Expertise at McGill University. The author of This Is Your Brain on Music and The World in Six Songs: How Music Created Humans, his extensive publications appear in scientific journals and music magazines including Grammy and Billboard. He lives in Montreal. [527a-339]
Anthony Lewis — journalist. The Pulitzer Prize has twice been awarded to Mr. Lewis over his long and distinguished journalistic career. Author of Freedom for the Thought That We Hate: A Biography of the First Amendment and Gideon’s Trumpet, in print for over 40 years, Mr. Lewis was columnist for the New York Times op-ed page from 1969 through 2001 and for many years the paper’s London correspondent. He has also been a lecturer at Harvard’s Law School, a visiting professor at the Universities of California, Illinois, Oregon, and Arizona, and since 1983, the James Madison Visiting Professor at Columbia University. He and his wife, Chief Justice of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, live in Cambridge. [511-331]
John Lewis Congressman and veteran of America's Civil Rights Movement. And early leader of the historic Nashville Movement, John Lewis was barely 21 in 1961 when he was one of the original nine Freedom Riders, brutally beaten and repeatedly jailed in Anniston, Birmingham and Montgomery, Alabama, and then in Mississippi. The first president of the Student NonViolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Lewis led marchers into the police riot known as "Bloody Sunday" in Selma, Alabama, in 1965. A Congressman since 1987, Lewis now represents the Fifth US Congressional District of Georgia, which includes much of Atlanta. He is the author of Walking with the Wind. [105-59]
Michael Lewis writer. Liar's Poker, Mr. Lewis's international bestselling book, described Wall Street in the 1980s. Now he offers readers an insides look at Silicon Valley in The New New Thing. An editor as well as reporter, Mr. Lewis is currently a visiting fellow at the University of California-Berkeley. [160-116]
Paul Loeb activist. With thirty years experience participating in and writing about citizen movements, Paul opens avenues for people to live with conviction in a cynical time. An author, associated scholar at Seattle's Center for Ethical Leadership, and regular commentator on social involvement for major newspapers and electronic media, Paul's latest book is Soul of a Citizen. [227-185]
Christine Loh Hong Kong activist. After a successful career in the private sector, Ms. Loh has been active in Hong Kong politics, helping shape the public debate as power was transferred from Great Britain to China. An advocate for democratic reform as well as an international voice for sustainable environmental policies, Ms. Loh decided to leave the Legislative Council where she has held both appointed and elected office, to found and direct "Civic Exchange," an independent, non-profit public policy think tank. [241-199]
Amory Lovins co-founder and CEO (Research), Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI); Chairman of the Board of Hypercar, Inc., an ultra-light hybrid automobile. A pioneer known world-wide for his ideas about alternative resource production and use, Mr. Lovins' publications include Natural Capitalism, co-authored with Paul Hawken and L.Hunter Lovins. Mr. Lovins' work across public and private sectors promoting more effective uses of and innovations in resource generation and conservation has generated many major awards around the world. [247-205]
Bo Lozoff Director of the Human Kindness Foundation. Author of It's a Meaningful Life, It Just Takes Practice, Bo is the co-founder of the Human Kindness Foundation and its award-winning Prison Ashram Project. He holds an honorary doctorate from the Chicago Theological Seminary and is a recipient of the prestigious Temple Award for Creative Altruism. He and his wife, Sita, with whom he shares his vision and his work, have lectured in hundreds of prisons, universities, churches and spiritual centers around the world. They make their home with a community in North Carolina. [180-135]
Ambassador William Luers Chairman and President, United Nations Association of the USA, the nation's leading center of policy research and public outreach on the UN and multilateral issues. His 31 years of service as a distinguished career diplomat included years as Ambassador both to Czechoslovakia and Venezuela, as well as a number of overseas and domestic posts. In addition, Mr. Luers was President of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City for 13 years before taking the helm of UNA-USA. An active member of the Council on Foreign Relations and other public policy organizations, Mr. Luers serves on a number of corporate and non-profit boards, speaks on policy and arts issues around the world and publishes widely on foreign policy issues. [220-178]
Thomas Lux — poet. Internationally acclaimed, Mr. Lux has received awards and grants including the prestigious Kingsley Tufts Poetry Award, three Pushcart Prizes, three NEA grants, and a Guggenheim Fellowship. The Cradle Place will be his 9th book of poems. Mr. Lux is the Borne Chair in Poetry and director of the McEver Visiting Writers Program at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Prior to Georgia Tech, he taught for 27 years at Sarah Lawrence College, directing its M.F.A. Program in Poetry for the last 15. He has served on the M.F.A. faculties of major universities including Columbia, Michigan, Iowa and California, Irvine. (278-236)
Thomas Lux — poet and teacher & Bruce McEver — investment banker and poet. Thomas Lux is the founder and director of Poetry@Tech, where he holds the Margaret and Henry Bourne Chair in Poetry at Georgia Institute of Technology. Mr. Lux is also responsible for the McEver Chair in Poetry, which brings poets to campus and to the larger community throughout the year. His latest book of poetry is God Particles. In addition to administering the Chair in Poetry which Mr. McEver has funded, he is one of Bruce McEver's teachers. Bruce McEver is Chairman of Berkshire Capital Securities LLC, which he founded in 1983. He is a graduate of Georgia Institute of Technology with an MBA from Harvard Business School. His book of poetry, Full Horizon, joins poems he has published in Ploughshares, Westview, The Berkshire Review, The Cortland Review, The Connecticut River Review, The Chattahoochee Review and The Atlanta Review. He starting writing in workshops in New York City, has taken writing seminars at Sarah Lawrence College and a summer residency at Warren Wilson College. [513-333]
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