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Index by NAME |
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Sara Paretsky — mystery writer. Blacklist is Ms. Paretsky’s 11th “V.I. Warshawski” novel set in Chicago, one of thirteen to date. Her many awards include the Cartier Diamond Dagger Award for lifetime achievement from the British Crime Writers’ Association. A graduate of the University of Kansas, she has a PhD in history and an MBA in finance from the University of Chicago. Her expertise in the dirty tricks of high finance is grounded in 10 years working for a large Chicago insurance company as a marketing manager. [290-248]
Terry Parssinen a historian. With The Oster Conspiracy of 1938, Dr. Parssinen brings to light a virtually unknown story of a German military plot to avert World War II by overthrowing the Naziz and killing Hitler. A European historian with degrees from Grinnell College and Brandeis University, Dr. Parssinen is Professor of History at the University of Tampa. In addition to scholarly works, he has written extensively about the international drug trade. [260-218]
Frank Partnoy law professor and former investment banker. Mr. Partnoy was a Wall Street trader at Morgan Stanley before writing his book, F.I.A.S.C.O. In it, Partnoy exposed the dark side of today's financial and political world. Shedding light on secret deals your broker and pension fund manager do not want you to know about, Mr. Partnoy explains profoundly disturbing financial practices which impact everyone in todayâs entire global economy. With a law degree from Yale, Mr. Partnoy now teaches law at the University of San Diego. [150-106]
Robert A. Pastor political scientists and policy maker. Robert Pastor is Vice President of International Affairs and a Professor of International Relations at American University. A foreign affairs consultant to government, business and NGOs, he was director of Latin American and Caribbean affairs on the National Security Council (1977-81), and founding director of The Carter Center's Latin American and Caribbean Programs and Democracy and China Projects. Author of 14 books with one in press, they include Toward a North American Community and Exiting the Whirlpool. [231-189]
Orlando Patterson Harvard Sociologist. Patterson argues that race in America is a great success story, with much work left to be done from the remarkable foundation of accomplishments and progress made in the last 50 years in America. [89-41]
Carl Patton President, Georgia State University. Dr. Patton has a national reputation as an academic leader and an urban planner. He has helped Georgia State develop and implement its imprint in downtown Atlanta, GA. He explores the interaction of a great urban university with the metropolitan area, state and world of which it is a part. He offers a vision of the university of the future grounded in today's evolving approaches to higher education. [168-124]
Jacques Pépin master chef. After serving as personal chef for Charles de Gaulle, Jaques
Pépin came to the United States, where he earned degrees in 18th century
French literature at Columbia University. In addition to his current duties
at Boston University and as the Dean of Special Programs at the French Culinary
Institute in New York, M. Pépin has hosted a number of television cooking
series, including Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home and Jacques Pépin
Celebrates. He has written many cookbooks. [232-190]
Sidney Perkowitz — physicist, author and playwright. Dr.Perkowitz is Candler Professor of Physics
at Emory University, author of a growing number of books that bring science
to the general reading public, including Digital People:c From Bionic
Humans to Androids, Empire of Light and Universal
Foam. He has presented and written about science, technology, and culture
for CNN, NPR, “The Sciences,” “Technology Review,” Encyclopedia
Britannica, “American Prospect,” “The Washington
Post” and other outlets. He has staged several original plays and has
direct personal experience with the life-giving possibilities of increasingly
sophisticated medical technology. [307-265]
C.J. Peters former Chief of Special Pathogens at the CDC. Warns of the dangers lurking in a world full of "hot zones" when we become lax in defending human populations from viruses long thought to be defeated. [61-13]
Kevin Phillips political analyst and author. Eight bestselling books, political commentary
on National Public Radio's Morning Edition, columns in the Los Angeles Times and CBS Television News commentary on national elections as early as 1984 have
amplified Mr. Phillips' voice nationally. His trademark of linking politics
to its constituencies now illumines the connections he sees among three Anglo-American
Wars (the English Civil War, the American Revolution and the American Civil
War) in The Cousins' Wars, and suggests directions in which that heritage may be
Kevin Phillips(2) — political scientist. Author of American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune
and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush, Wealth and
Democracy and The Politics of Rich and Poor, Kevin
Phillips first came to prominence in the late ‘60’s with his book, The Emerging Republican Majority. A former Republican
and White House strategist, Mr. Phillips has been a political and commentator
for more than three decades, contributes regularly to National Public Radio
and writes for “Harper’s” and “Time.” [297-255]
Kevin Phillips(3) — distinguished
American political and economic analyst. In American Theocracy: The
Peril and Politics of Radical Religion, Oil, and Borrowed Money in the 21st
Century, Mr. Phillips sets forth America’s
current volatile circumstances, with dire comparisons to failed empires of
years gone by. A former Republican strategist, he first became known for The
Emerging Republican Majority in the late ‘60s, and has subsequently
written more than a dozen highly regarded books, including bestsellers American
Dynasty, The Politics of Rich and Poor and Wealth
and Democracy. Mr. Phillips writes for the “Los Angeles Times,” “Harper’s Magazine” and “Time.” [436-295]
Kevin Phillips(4) — political & economic analyst, and author. Bad Money: Reckless Finance, Failed Politics, and the Global Crisis of American Capitalism joins Mr. Phillips’ other bestsellers: American Theocracy, American Dynasty, The Politics of Rich and Poor, Wealth and Democracy, and The Cousins Wars. A former Republican strategist, he first became known for The Emerging Republican Majority in the late ‘60s, and has subsequently written more than a dozen highly regarded books. Mr. Phillips writes for the Los Angeles Times, Harper’s Magazine and Time. [517-327]
Chellie Pingree —
President & CEO, Common Cause. Beginning in 2003, Ms. Pingree leads
this non-partisan citizen activist group which advocates honest, open and accountable
government and citizen participation at all levels of government. Prior to that,
she served eight years in Maine’s state Senate, where she rose to majority
leader and in 2002, made a strong showing against an incumbent for U.S. Senator.
Her many awards include Consumer Health Advocate of the Year by Families, USA.
Before entering the political life, Ms. Pingree was a successful businesswoman
and community activist. [287-245]
Mary Pipher psychologist.
Widely known for Reviving Ophelia, Mary Pipher now takes us into Another Country,
where she explores the emotional terrain of our elders. Ms. Pipher offers guidance
to people of all generations dealing with the realities of aging, life, death
and our common need for a sense of community.
Barney Pityana —
South African Human Rights Activist. Dr. Pityana is the Vice-Chancellor and
Principal of the University of South Africa (UNISA). Dr. Pityana is an attorney
of the High Court of South Africa, an ordained priest and deacon of Church of
England Diocese of Oxford and a life-long activist who was President of South
African Students’ Organisation (SASO) before being jailed, then exiled
from South Africa for his political activities in the early 1970s. [282-240]
Michael Pollan writer/reporter.
In The Botany of Desire, Mr. Pollan reports on deep and powerful relationships
between humans and plants. In addition to writing books which include Second
Nature and A Place of My Own, Mr. Pollan is a contributing writer for The New
York Times Magazine. Among his many awards for writing are the QPB New Visions
prize and the first Reuters-World Conservation Union Global Award for Excellence
in Environmental Journalism. [243-201]
Robert D. Putnam — political scientist. Bowling Alone’s author has joined
forces in Better Together to address what to do about the malaise
he described in his best-seller. Dr. Putnam takes an international
look in Democracies in Flux: The Evolution of Social
Capital in Contemporary Society. Professor of Public Policy at Harvard,
Dr. Putnam is founder of the Saguaro Seminar on Civic Engagement. His degrees
are from Swarthmore College, Oxford and Yale Universities. [273-231]
Anna Quindlen Pulitzer Prize winning columnist and novelist. Quindlen won the Pulitzer Prize in 1992 for her New York Times column, "Public and Private." She is also the author of Living Out Loud, from her "Life in the 30's" columns, and two children's books. She has written two best selling novels and has just published a third. [95-48]
Jane Bryant Quinn Money Advisor. Quinn is known nationally for Making the Most of Your Money (now updated for the 21st century) and her many award winning television presence. This trusted advisor provides a glimpse into the roles we will play in the evolving world economy. [83-35]
Charles Raison — psychiatrist and Stuart Kauffman(4) — theoretical biologist. Stuart Kauffman and Charles Raison both explore life. Dr. Kauffman, renowned for his studies in complexity, is founding Director of the Institute for Biocomplexity and Informatics at the University of Calgary, in Alberta, Canada, and an author whose books include Reinventing the Sacred and At Home in the Universe. Among Dr. Kauffman’s many accomplishments and awards, he was a founding faculty member of the Santa Fe Institute where he is an adjunct professor, and an early MacArthur Fellow. Dr. Charles Raison served as Director of Emergency Services and Associate Director of Consultation Evaluation Services at UCLA. In 1999, he joined Emory University’s Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, and is Director of the Behavioral Immunology Clinic. Lecturing internationally, he is also co-principle investigator both studying the immune system relative to depression and fatigue, and the effects of Buddhist compassion meditation. He’s deeply involved in Emory University and Holiness the Dalai Lama’s Science Education Project for Tibetan Buddhist Monks. [523a-334]
Jonathan Rauch — gay marriage advocate. Author
of Gay
Marriage: Why It Is Good for Gays, Good for Straights, and Good for America, Mr.
Rauch’s previous books have been on public policy, culture and economics.
Also a correspondent for “The Atlantic Monthly and a senior writer for
the prestigious “National Journal,” Mr. Rauch reports for a wide
range of major publications and is writer in resident at the Brookings Institution.
He is vice president of the Independent Gay Forum. [362-294]
Gerald Renner and Jason Berry — reporters. Vows of Silence: The Abuse of Power
in the Papacy of John Paul II is the result of long years of research
by both of these seasoned reporters who joined forces in writing it. Mr. Renner
is recently retired from “The Hartford Courant,” where he was a
staff writer specializing in religious news, issues and trends. Mr. Berry is
also author of Lead Us Not Into Temptation and he is widely
published. They are both practicing Roman Catholics. Mr. Renner died in 2007 at the age of 75. [291-249]
Stella Resnick
Psychologist. Challenges the West's "Calvinist" tradition of self-criticism
with a call to enter a more productive "Pleasure Zone." [72-24]
David Reynolds — biographer. John Brown, Abolitionist is
the work of Distinguished Professor of English and American Studies at the
Graduate Center
and Baruch College of the City University of New York, David S. Reynolds.
He also wrote Walt Whitman’s America, winner of
the Bancroft Prize, the Ambassador Book award and was a finalist for the National
Book Critics
Circle Award, and Beneath the American Renaissance, which
won Phi Beta Kappa’s Christian
Gauss Award. [393-282]
Jeremy Rifkin President of the Foundation on Economic Trends. Rifkin, economic critic and forecaster, has written fourteen books on economic trends and matters relating to science, technology and culture, his latest looking at the "Biotech Century" ahead. [104-58]
Karl-Henrik Robért, M.D. founder, The Natural Step. Once a cancer researcher and practicing physician, Dr. Robért set out in the late 1980s to find ãfirst principlesä with which to address profound environmental challenges, worldwide. Since then, The Natural Step framework, focused on issues of global environmental sustainability and based in the science of complex systems, has grown beyond its base in Sweden to guide a growing number of organizations, worldwide. Dr. Robért and The Natural Step framework are increasingly guiding individuals and groups toward wealth, ecology and the evolutionary corporation. [196-154]
Pastor Joe Roberts
senior pastor of the Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. Since
1975, Dr. Roberts has led the church once served by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
and Sr. Dr. Roberts has masterâs degrees from both Union Theological Seminary
in NYC and Princeton Theological Seminary . He formerly held a number of administrative
positions in the Presbyterian Church, U.S.,and led two congregations in New
Jersey. His civic, social and religious honors are many and he has 5 honorary
doctorates of divinity. At Ebenezer, Dr. Roberts both launched an expansive
community outreach program and led the congregation in erecting a remarkable
new sanctuary to carry forward Ebenzerâs globally significant work. [248-206]
David Rockefeller — memoirist, philanthropist, banker.
The youngest of Abigail and John D. Rockefeller, Jr.’s sons, David Rockefeller
became successful in his own right as head of Chase Bank, building it to international
prominence. He has also known and interacted with many of the major political
figures of the 20th century. Mr. Rockefeller is the first of his renown
American family to publish an autobiography, called Memoirs. In it, he combines his own story with that of the rest of the Rockefeller
family, offering a window into his and their world of wealth and power. [269-227]
Ardath Rodale Chief Executive Officer of Rodale Press. Describes leading her half-billion dollar publishing company into new corporate territory while sharing personal experiences of rising to dramatic personal challenges.
Richard Rodriguez essayist. Author of Brown: The Last Discovery of America, Days of Obligation: An Argument with my Mexican Father and Hunger of Memory, Mr. Rodriguez is also an editor at the Pacific News Service in San Francisco, a contributing editor for Harper's magazine and for the Sunday "Opinion" section of the Los Angeles Times. He has been a regular essayist on the NewsHour with Jim Lehrer since the early 1990s. [245-203]
Jeffrey Rosensweig Finance and International Business professor. Rosensweig has developed a strategy for linking people and profits, set forth in his book Winning the Global Game. Rosensweig has served as senior international economist at the federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, worked with a number of international companies and earned degrees from Yale and MIT. [135-91]
John Rowe, M.D. President,
Mt. Sinai Hospital and School of Medicine. One of America's leading gerontologists,
Dr. Rowe provides guidance for "successful aging," based on The MacArthur Foundation
study that indicates today's lifestyle choices have a greater impact on health
and vitality than does heredity. [101-55]
Duane Rumbaugh — comparative psychologist. In Intelligence of Apes and Other Rational
Beings, Dr. Rumbaugh and his co-author present conclusions from research
spanning Dr. Rumbaugh’s lifetime learning from primates. He is co-founder
and recent director of the Language Research Center at Georgia State University,
where he is Regents Professor emeritus in the Departments of Psychology and
Biology. Beginning his research into the nature of the learning processes of
primates in 1958, he initiated the LANA Chimpanzee Language Project in
1971 and pioneered the development of computer-monitored keyboards for the study
of language acquisition among primates. [272-230]
Gene Russo Labor
Leader, recently retired Vice-President of the Communications Workers of America
(CWA). Assigns responsibility for union malaise, describes a surprising potential
for a major resurgence in the role of labor in the global marketplace. [59-11]
Karin Ryan — human rights activist. Joining The Carter Center’s Human
Rights Program in 1988, Ms. Ryan has assisted former U.S. President Jimmy
Carter and Mrs. Rosalynn Carter on a range of issues, including personal
interventions regarding urgent human rights abuses and addressing generally abusive
policies and practices. Ms. Ryan has represented the Center in many international
negotiations including on the International Criminal Court. She has worked with
the U.N. Office of the High Commission for Human Rights (OHCHR) and participated
in election observations. Ms. Ryan has a special interest in conflicts in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo, where she has lived. [412-291]
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