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Index by NAME |
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Carl Safina Director of The Living Oceans Program of the National Audubon Society. The plight of the oceans is a matter of increasing concern globally. Mr. Safina tells us where we're making progress in protecting our oceans, where continuing challenges face us on "planet ocean." [99-52]
Carl Safina(2) — Co-founder and President of Blue Ocean Institute, founder of the Living Oceans Program and former Vice President for Marine Conservation at the Audubon Society, Dr. Safina won a MacArthur “genius award” for his work on behalf of the oceans and its life forms. His book, Eye of the Albatross, builds on many of the themes established in his first book, Song for the Blue Ocean, which won the prestigious Lannon Prize. With a PhD in ecology, Dr. Safina is an adjunct professor at Yale. [237-195]
Sue Savage-Rumbaugh primatologist and linguist. Dr. Savage-Rumbaugh is Professor of Biology &ÊPsychology at Georgia State University and a renowned ape-language researcher, head of the Bonobo research at GSUâs Language Research Center. Dr. Savage-Rumbaugh is author with Roger Lewin of Kanzi, The Ape at the Brink of the Human Mind. [43-4]
Christopher Sawyer National Chairman, The Trust for Public Lands. Introduces TPL, the nonprofit
land conservation organization which has protected nearly one million acres
of land nationwide for public use -- natural, scenic and historic landmarks,
parks and open space. [68-20]
Simon Schama — historian, author, critic and broadcaster. Bestselling,
prizewinning author of Rough Crossings: Britain, the Slaves and the American
Revolution, Rembrandt's Eyes, The Embarrassment of Riches and Citizens: A Chronicle
of the French Revolution. Dr. Schama is University Professor of Art History
and History at Columbia University. "A History of Britain," his 15-part
television series, was nominated for an Emmy and has two companion volumes;
his BBC/PBS 8-part series, "The Power of Art," is also accompanied
by a book. Since 1994, he has provided art criticism and cultural essays for
the New Yorker, and regularly contributes to the New Republic, the Guardian
and the New York Review of Books. [442-306]
André Schiffrin book publisher. For 30 years, Mr. Schiffrin was publisher at Pantheon. Reflecting massive changes in the book world, he left Random House to found the New Press in 1993, a foundation-based, non-profit publishing house. Mr. Schiffrin describes today's revolution in book publishing (ever-increasing concentrations of power, a lust for profits) in The Business of Books. He contributes a regular column on publishing to the Chronicle of Higher Education. [209-167]
Rodger Schlickeisen — President & CEO, Defenders of Wildlife. One of the United States’ most prominent conservation advocacy organizations, Mr. Schlickeisen’s leadership since 1991 has resulted in the organization growing to over a million members. Formerly, he was CEO of a leading consulting firm specializing in advancing the world of progressive advocacy organizations. He served in the Carter White House in the Office of Management & Budget, was Chief of Staff for U.S. Sentator Max Baucus. Mr. Schlickeisen is also President of Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund, a political non-profit working to elect pro-conservation national leaders. He serves on the advisory committees of the Earth Communications Organization and the Environmental Media Association. He has earned degrees from the University of Washington, Harvard Business School and a doctorate from George Washington University. His opinion pieces and articles are widely published. [542a-355]
Connie Schmaljohn
Connie Schmaljohn - virologist. As Chief Department of Molecular Virology at
the USÊArmy Medical Research Institute for Infections Diseases (USAMRIID), in
Reston, VA, Dr. Schmaljohn and her colleagues work to optimize the wellness
of military personnel in combat and peacekeeping pursuits around the world,
while treating illnesses indigenous to foreign countries. She specializes in
DNAÊvaccines for hantaviruses, filoviruses and tick-borne flaviviruses. [177-133]
Eric Schlosser —
journalist and investigative reporter. Mr. Schlosser’s revealing books, Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs and Cheap Labor in the American
Black Market and Fast Food Nation: The Dark
Side of the All-American Meal are both best-sellers which explore American
society, economics and culture. Examining America’s prison system is Mr.
Schlosser’s current endeavor. He is also a correspondent for“The
Atlantic Monthly.” [296-254]
Juliet Schor Professor of Economics and Head Tutor of Women's Studies, Harvard. Schor argues forcefully in The Overworked American that Americans have worked ourselves out of our most precious commodity -- time. She is now concerned that we are equally "overspent." [103-57]
Evan Schwartz technology and business journalist. Author of Webonomics: Nine Essential Principles for Growing Your Business on the World Wide Web, Schwartz proposes a new philosophy of economics for doing business on the Web. [107-61]
Michael Shapiro art museum director. Dr. Shapiro is Director of Atlanta's high Museum of Art. His series of ambitious and highly successful exhibitions have brought many of the world's masterpieces to the Southeast. Prior to the High, Dr. Shapiro was Director of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, having also served as Chief Curator of the St. Louis Art Museum. Specializing in 19th and 20th century painting and sculpture, Dr. Shapiro has taught at Duke and has numerous exhibition catalogues, books and articles to his credit. His master's and Ph.D. in art history are from Harvard. [246-204]
Gail Sheehy author. Known for Passages, The Silent Passage and eleven other books including her latest on men, Sheehy is also a political journalist and contributing editor to Vanity Fair. Sheehy's work was named by a Library of Congress survey as among the most influential of our time. She lives in New York and California. [111-65]
Sue Shellenbarger business journalist. Ms. Shellenbarger has written the "Work & Family" column for The Wall Street Journal since 1991, and published a book of the column's essays using the same title. She began her writing and editing career with the Journal in the early 1980s and is the former chief of its Chicago news bureau. She has also served as a contributing editor and columnist for Parenting magazine and as a financial markets columnist for the Associated Press. She combines her work life with an active family of her own. [139-95]
David Shenk Cyber-Critic.
Sounds the alarm about living in Data Smog and offers advice for "surviving
the information glut." [78-30]
David Shipler — reporter. The Working Poor: Invisible in America
is David Shipler at his Pulitzer Prize-winning best. It joins Russia,
Arab and Jew (Pulitzer Prize) and A Country of Strangers.
Mr. Shipler worked for the “New York Times” from 1966 to 1988, reporting
from New York, Saigon, Moscow and Jerusalem before serving as their chief diplomatic
correspondent in Washington. D.C. He has also written for “The New Yorker,”
“Washington Post,” and “Los Angeles Times,” has been
guest scholar at the Brookings Institution, senior associate at the Carnegie
Endowment for International Peace and taught at Dartmouth College, Princeton
and American University.
Donna Shirley Jet Propulsion Lab's Mars Exploration Program. One of the first women pioneers in the field of space exploration, Ms. Shirley headed the Mars Exploration Program team that put the Rover on Mars in 1997. Her story combines personal ambition with the art of managing creative people working on the cutting edge of technology. [112-66]
Leonard Shlain
surgeon and thinker. Chief of laparoscopic surgery at San Francisco's California-Pacific
Medical Center and author of Art & Physics: Parallel Visions in Space, Time
and Light, Dr. Shlain turns his attention to what he believes is humanity's
fundamental conflict between words and images as made manifest in male and female.
It's a constellation of ideas on which he elaborates in his startling work,
The Alphabet Versus the Goddess. [157-113]
Leonard Shlain(2) —
writer. With a keen interest in biological and cultural evolution, Dr.
Shlain builds in Sex, Time and Power: How Women’s Sexuality
Shaped Human Evolution on ideas he first presented in The Alphabet and the
Goddess. He writes and lectures widely and is also the chief of laparoscopic
surgery at California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco. [356-269]
Russell Shorto — journalist and author. Following his success with the best-seller, The Island at the Center of the World, Mr. Shorto has written Descartes’ Bones: A Skeletal History of the Conflict Between Faith and Reason. He is a contributing writer at the New York Times Magazine and director of The John Adams Institute in Amsterdam, where he lives. [530a-342]
Daniel Silva international intrigue novelist. With The Messenger, Mr. Silva adds another best-seller to his long list of widely admired suspense novels. In it, he exposes the powerful connections between Saudi Arabia's rulers and the U.S. government; Israel, terror and puritanical fundamentalists, oil and money. Often favorably compared with John le Carré and Graham Green, Mr. Silva's carefully researched stories have been translated into more than two dozen languages and published around the world. Mr. Silva is a former reporter trained and experienced in international relations and is strongly connected to the power elite in Washington, D.C., where he lives. [448-297]
Simon Singh science writer and television producer. A former award-winning BBC producer and author of the best seller, Fermat's Enigma, Mr. Singh also has a Ph.D. in physics from Cambridge University. Now he shares the secrets of cryptography over the millennia in The Code Book, pointing also to the ever-greater importance of secrecy. [197-155]
Richard Slotkin historian/novelist. The significance of race, violence and the frontier on American myth and culture shapes both Dr. Slotkin's academic and literary works. Twice nominated for National Book Awards for scholarly books, he has now fictionalized the life of the young Abraham Lincoln in his novel, Abe. Professor Slotkin is Olin Professor at Weslyan University where he was formerly Director of American Studies. [179-135]
Andrew Solomon writer/reporter. Mr. Solomonâs best-seller, The Noonday Demon: An Atlas of Depression, won the National Book Award in 2001. Educated at Yale and Cambridge Universities, Mr. Solomon writes regularly for The New York Times Magazine as well as The New Yorker and ArtForm. He is author of The Irony Tower: Soviet Artists in a Time of Glasnost and a novel which was a finalist for the Los Angeles Times First Fiction Award. [239-197]
Bishop John Shelby Spong . . . is the Episcopal (Anglican) Bishop of Newark, New Jersey, and has
been a bishop for more than 20 years. He is also a prolific author whose latest
book is Why Christianity Must Change or Die: A Bishop Speaks to Believers
in Exile in which he calls for a New Reformation of both Christian faith
and practice. On retiring, Bishop Spong plans to join the faculty of an eminent
American university.
Wesley Stace/John Wesley Harding — novelist & musician
. With 13 albums to his credit and one in the wings, John Wesley Harding
has performed with many popular musicians from Bruce Springsteen, Lou Reed,
Iggy Pop and
John Prine to Joan Baez, Peter Buck and others. His original songs have been
featured in films and covered by many. In addition to lyrics published as chapbooks,
Wesley Stace is recognized for his essays and wrote the introduction to The
Modern Library’s The Haunted House by Charles Dickens. Misfortune is
the first of his novels, with more in the works. He was educated at Cambridge.
Janos Starker Cellist. One of the century's preeminent musicians, Mr. Starker is internationally acclaimed as a soloist, recording artist and teacher. His numerous honors include the Grammy Award in 1997. Born in Budapest, Starker won international recognition before coming to America in 1948, where he was principal cellist under Fritz Reiner at both the Metropolitan Opera and the Chicago Symphony. Starker resumed touring in 1958, performing thousands of concerts with every major orchestra and in recitals worldwide, while recording extensively. Mr. Starker is a Distinguished Professor at Indiana University, where his students include talented string players from around the world. He is author of An Organized Method of String Playing. [142-98]
James Stewart — journalist and author. James Stewart has won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the 1987 stock market crash and insider trading. Formerly Page One editor of the Wall Street Journal, he is now a business columnist for The New York Times. Mr. Stewart is perhaps best known for his 1991 book, Den of Thieves. He practiced law until 1979 and is a regular contributor to The New Yorker.
Alexandra Stoddard artist. America's premier interior designer and a leading practitioner of the art of living, Alexandra Stoddard has designed the interiors of mansions and embassies, cottages and one-room studios for clients who range from the world's notables to young people just starting out. With more than 36 years of design expertise, she is author of twenty books. Feeling at Home is her most recent. [170-126]
Elizabeth Strout — novelist. Ms. Strout’s Olive Kitteridge, a novel composed of a series of short stories, won the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. Ms. Strout is also author of the national bestseller Abide with Me and of Amy and Isabelle. Both won major prizes. A finalist for both the PEN/Faulkner Award and England’s Orange Prize, Ms. Strout’s short stories have been published in magazines from The New Yorker to O: The Oprah Magazine, and elsewhere. She grew up in Maine, is currently is on the MFA faculty of Queens University in Charlotte, NC, and lives with her family in New York City. [543a-356]
Frank Sulloway
Historian of science. Argues that Darwinian selection has"birth order" playing a central role in individual personality development. His book Born
to Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics and Creative Lives is
said by Edward O. Wilson to be "one of the most authoritative and important
treatises in the history of the social sciences." [71-23]
Leonard Susskind — physicist. In The Cosmic
Landscape: String Theory and the Illusion of Intelligent Design,
Dr. Susskind offers non-specialists access to ideas he (and, independently,
two others) discovered in 1969. Dr. Susskind’s further contributions
to theoretical physics span over 40 years, from quantum optics, elementary-particle
physics, condensed-matter physics and cosmology to gravitation, from quark
confinement, baryogenesis, and the Principle of Black Hole Complementarity
to the Holographic Principle. Before studying engineering at CCNY and earning
his PhD at Cornell, he was a plumber and steam fitter in his native South Bronx.
Since 1978, he has been Professor
of Physics at Stanford. [426-292]
David Suzuki —
scientist & environmentalist. Dr. Suzuki is an award-winning geneticist,
environmentalist and broadcaster, the host of the television series, “The
Nature of Things.” Dr. Suzuki’s books include Good News
for a Change: How Everyday People are Helping the Planet,
written with Holly Dressel, and a new compilation of his widely influential
writings, The David Suzuki Reader. [281-239]
Gay Talese — journalist. A “fastidious exponent of nonfiction,” Mr. Talese is among America’s premier reporters. With A Writer’s Life, he adds a remarkably inventive and genuinely captivating memoir to almost a dozen other books he’s written. They include Honor Thy Father,Thy Neighbor’s Wife and The Kingdom and the Power, about the New York Times for which he wrote for a decade. Gay Talese’s name is often associated with “new journalism,” but he describes himself as a storyteller. He has also written for Esquire, the The New Yorker, Harper’s and other national magazines. His wife is Nan Talese. [439-311]
Deborah Tannen sociolinguist. In her #1 national best-selling book, You Just Don't Understand, Professor Tannen explored the cross-cultural nature of communication between women and men. Now she looks at America's Argument Culture and suggests alternative ways to communicate which move beyond today's often destructive winner-take-all war of words. Dr. Tannen is a professor of linguistics at Georgetown University and has written sixteen general audience and scholarly books. [132-88]
Linda Tarr-Whelan Ambassador. Both as the U.S. Representative to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women with the rank of Ambassador, and as President of the Center for Policy Alternatives, Tarr-Whelan seeks new answers to old challenges and finds many of them waiting for us in our local communities. [124-78]
Ian Tattersall paleoanthropologist. The American Museam of Natural History's Director of and Curator in the Department of Anthropology, Dr. Tattersall is author of Extinct Humans, Becoming Human, The Last Neanderthal and a wealth of scholarly and popular articles including "We Were Not Alone" in Scientific American. [207-165]
Frank Teasley . . . is a seven-time Iditarod veteran, winner of the Iditarod Humanitarian Award and owner of Jackson Hole Iditarod Sled Dog Tours. Deep in Wyoming, Teasley lives with 170 of his best friends and world-class athletes -- Alaskan village husky sled dogs. Teasley shares what he's learned from his dogs and dog sledding with huge corporate clients and ordinary tourists alike. Teasley founded the International Rocky Mountain Stage Stop Sled Dog Race in 1996. [38-82]
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas Anthropologist and author of the sensationally successful The Hidden Life of Dogs, Explores the kingdoms of life and love, takes us into her home and personal life, puts humans in a dramatically new light. [69-21]
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas(2) author/anthropologist/animal-lover. Widely known for her books, The Hidden Life of Dogs, its sequel The Social Life of Dogs, and Tribe of Tiger, Ms. Thomas is also a novelist. She combines her lyrical story-telling prowess with a keen observation of developments in the sciences in Reindeer Moon, The Animal Wife and Certain Poor Shepherds. A classical anthropologist, she, her parents and brother lived in the 1950âs among the Bushmen in the Kalahari Desert, recalled in The Harmless People and Warrior Herdsmen. [186-142]
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas(3) — author, naturalist, ethologist. The Old Way: A Story of the First People is Ms. Thomas’ definitive exploration of humanity’s deep past. She combines her own and her family’s experiences as the first outsiders to live with the Bushmen in the Kalahara in the 1950s, with her 50 subsequent years of writing and study. Widely known for her non-fiction, The Hidden Life of Dogs, The Social Life of Dogs and Tribe of Tiger as well as her classics The Harmless People and Warrior Herdsmen, Ms. Thomas’ fiction includes Certain Poor Shepherds and two novels, Reindeer Moon and The Animal Wife. She also writes for The New Yorker, National Geographic, The Atlantic and The New York Review of Books. [532a-344]
Linda Bloodworth Thomason — writer. Creator and writer of “Designing Women,” “Evening
Shade,”and “Hearts Afire.” Ms. Thomason has been nominated
for numerous Emmy® Awards, received the Lucille Ball Award from Women in
Film and the Eleanor Roosevelt Freedom of Speech Award. Liberating
Paris is her first novel and she is writing and directing her first
film. A native of Poplar Bluff, Missouri, she and her husband, director Harry
Thomson, live in Los Angeles. [299-257]
Mystical Arts of Tibet Personal sacred objects of His Holiness the Dalai Lama are featured in an exhibit at Atlanta's Oglethorpe University Museum, April 5 through June 7, 1998. Lloyd Nick, Director of the Museum, describes the impact Tibetan art is having on the world, and Tibetan Buddhist Monk Geshe Lobsang Tensin Negi gives a glimpse of the Tibetan religion and culture threatened with extinction at the hands of the Chinese government. [12-46]
Mike Tidwell writer. In Bayou Farewell, travel writer Mike Twiddle sounds the alarm: Louisiana’s Cajun Coast is -- literally -- dissolving into the Gulf of Mexico, while potential rescue plans languish. His fifth book, Mr. Tidwell’s work appears regularly in “National Geographic Traveler,” “Reader’s Digest,” and “The Washington Post.” He has received four Lowell Thomas Awards for travel journalism as well as an NEA fellowship. Now living in the Washington, D.C. area, he is also founder/director of Chesapeake Climate Action Network. [263-221]
Jeffery Toobin — attorney, author and reporter. The Nine: Inside the Secret World of the Supreme Court is Mr. Toobin's in-depth report on the current Supreme Court and how it came to be as it is. He is also author of best sellers Too Close to Call, A Vast Conspiracy and The Run of His Life. He is a CNN senior legal analyst and before becoming a New Yorker magazine staff writer in 1993, he served as an assistant U.S. attorney in Brooklyn and as an associate counsel in the office of independent counsel Lawrence E. Walsh investigating the Reagan Administration Iran-Contra scandal. Mr. Toobin graduated from Harvard Law School magna cum laude and lives in New York City with his family. [504-360]
Barry Truax composer and acoustic ecologist. Recognized internationally as a pioneering composer who uses the granulation of sampled sound, Barry Truax is a tireless sound activist as well as a professor of acoustic communication at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, B.C. His book, Sound in Context, is a classic in the field. [46-145]
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