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Index by NAME |
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Neal Gabler cultural observer with a commanding grasp of the heart and soul of America’s entertainment culture. A widely respected biographer and essayist, Mr. Gabler is author of Walt Disney: The Triumph of the American Imagination; Life: The Movie; An Empire of Their Own: How the Jews Invented Hollywood; and Winchell: Gossip, Power and the Culture of Celebrity. He is also a Senior Fellow at the Norman Lear Center for the Study of Entertainment & Society at the University of Southern California’s Annenburg School of Communications.
Peter Galbraith Ambassador (ret) & foreign policy expert. Mr. Galbraith is author of The End of Iraq: How American Incompetence Created a War Without End. It is his first-hand account of Bush Administration "arrogance and ignorance" in foreign policy, particularly in Iraq. A 23 year veteran of government service, Amb. Galbraith served as professional staff to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, was the first U.S. Ambassador to Croatia and is currently the Senior Diplomatic Fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation. He contributes regularly to "The New York Review of Books." [450-298]
Peter Galbraith2 — diplomat and author. The first U.S. Ambassador to Croatia, Mr. Galbraith’s best-seller The End of Iraq is a first-hand account of Bush Administration “arrogance and ignorance” in foreign policy, particularly in Iraq. His Unintended Consequences: How War in Iraq Strengthened America’s Enemies looks ahead. Mr. Galbraith spent almost 25 years in government service starting as professional staff to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. He is currently the Senior Diplomatic Fellow at the Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation and a regular contributor to The New York Review of Books. [531a-343]
Henry Louis Gates, Jr. literary critic. Chair of the Harvard University Afro-American Studies Department, Dr. Gates has been instrumental in changing America's literary "canon" broadening the definitions both of American and African-American literature. With degrees from Yale and Cambridge, he is author and/or editor of a series of books which have become standards. His discovery and editing of The Bondwoman's Narrative has resurrected a remarkable woman slave's long-lost novel. [251-209]
Jeff Gates economic thinker. Gates reaches across ideologies to outline how broader corporate ownership can be used as a means for reconnecting personal conscience to market capitalism. A lawyer, investment banker, political advisor and consultant to government, corporate and union leaders worldwide, Mr. Gates was counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance during the 1980s and is author of The Ownership Solution. [121-76]
Nikki Giovanni poet. Ms. Giovanni is among the most celebrated and influential poets of America's Civil Rights, Black Power and Black Arts Movements of the 1960s. Among her 26 volumes of poetry and prose, Quilting the Black-Eyed Pea is her latest. She has received two NAACP Image Awards, the Rosa Parks Woman of Courage Award and the Langston Hughes Medal for Outstanding Poetry, 17 honorary degrees, and the keys to more than a dozen cities. She was woman of the year for Mademoiselle, Ladies' Home Journal and Essence magazines and is the University Distinguished Professor/English at Virginia Tech. [254-212]
Malcolm Gladwell Malcolm Gladwell ÷ reporter. Author of The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference, Mr. Gladwell is a staff reporter for The New Yorker magazine. He is a former business and science writer at the Washington Post, and a Canadian by birth. [208-166]
James Gleick writer/reporter. Author of bestsellers Chaos and Genius, James Gleick now turns his attention to how we live in a world where many suffer from "hurry sickness" and everything seems to be going FSTR. His latest book is Faster: The Acceleration of Just About Everything. [204-162]
Michelle Goldberg — investigative journalist. Author of The Means of Reproduction: Sex, Power and the Future of the World, Ms. Goldber’s prior book, Kingdom Coming: The Rise of Christian Nationalism, was a New York Times bestseller and a finalist for the New York Public Library’s Helen Bernstein Book Award for Excellence in Journalism. She is a former senior writer at Salon.com and among the many who have published Ms. Goldberg’s work are The New Republic, The Nation, Glamour and Rolling Stone magazines in the U.S. and The Guardian in the U.K. and she has taught at New York University’s graduate school of journalism. Ms. Goldberg earned her graduate degree at the University of California - Berkeley. [545a-358]
Tom Goodman Native American spiritual guide, tribal ambassador. A Native American by birth and by choice, Mr. Goodman celebrates his heritage and traditions of healing which promote global community consciousness. He explains living close to spiritual truths as understood by people native to North America and offers ways of seeing and being which honor the earth and its creatures. He is founder and director of Earth Keepers, a nonprofit educational endeavor. [134-90]
Jane Goodall & Jonathan Granoff. Dr. Goodall is known the world over for her work with chimpanzees. Now she addresses the threat that nuclear weapons pose for all life on earth. Jonathan Granoff, President of the Global Security Institute, joins Dr. Goodall in demonstrating the pressing need to renew and strengthen the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, to which the United States (and every country in the world except India, Israel and Pakistan) is a signator and legally bound. Dr. Goodall shows how her Institute’s “Roots and Shoots” program gives young people a role in creating their future. [304-262]
Doris Kearns Goodwin Pulitzer Prize winning author. Goodwin has chronicled America and the Roosevelts in the Second World War, the Kennedys and Johnsons and now America's Game -- Baseball. [81-33]
Doris Kearns Goodwin(2) — historian. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in history for No Ordinary Time focused on Franklin Delano Roosevelt during Word War II, Ms. Goodwin adds the remarkable Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln to her bestseller Wait Till Next Year, The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys and Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream. She has for many years brought her historical perspective and analyses to television audiences and now serves as an NBC-TV news analyst. In addition, she lectures around the world. [419-296]
Barry Gordon, MD, Ph.D. — brain scientist. Dr. Gordon studies and treats memory and language disorders. He is a professor of neurology and cognitive science, founder of the Memory Clinic and holds an endowed chair to study the treatment of brain disorders at The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. His books include Intelligent Memory and Memory: Remembering and Forgetting in Everyday Life. [265-223]
Annette Gordon-Reed — teacher, author & Presidential scholar. Winner of the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for The Hemingses of Monticello: An American Family, professor of law at New York Law School, and of history at Rutgers University, Ms. Gordon-Reed also is author of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy, edited Race on Trial: Law and Justice in American History, and co-authored with Vernon Jordan Vernon Can Read! A Memoir. A graduate of Dartmouth College and Harvard Law School, she and her family live in New York City. [539a-352]Anthony Gottlieb executive director of The Economist. Mr. Gottlieb is author of The Dream of Reason: A History of Philosophy from the Greeks to the Renaissance. He studied philosophy at Cambridge univeristy and University College London, has been a Visiting Fellow at Harvard and writes regularly on philosophy for the New York Times Books Review. He is hard at work on Volume Two. [238-196]
Francine du Plessix Gray — writer. A regular contributor to The New Yorker for decades, Ms. Gray is author of many noteworthy books. In Them: A Memoir of Parents, she recalls her parents: mother, Tatiana Iacovleff du Plessix Liberman, fashion icon in New York in the 1950s (“Tatiana of Saks”) and muse to the Russian poet, Vladimir Mayakovsky; step-father, Alexander Liberman who presided over the Condé Nast publishing empire for 4 decades and was a well-known artist; and her blood father, Bertrand du Plessix, a French diplomat who died fighting for the Free French. Ms. Gray’s At Home with the Marquis De Sade, was on the Pulitzer Prize short-list.
Brian Greene string-theory physicist. Both a practitioner and teacher, Brian Greene is professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University. He lectures worldwide to both general and technical audiences and is widely regarded for his own ground breaking discoveries in superstring theory. He is author of The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory. [146-102]
Joshua M. Greene television producer/author. Mr. Greene brings personal narratives to life in companion book and film formats. His award-winning films have aired on PBS, HBO, the Disney Channel and television stations in 20 countries. For the book and video Witness: Voices from the Holocaust, he worked with the Yale University Fortunoff Video Archive and Shiva Kumar. [181-137]
Jerry Greenfield co-founder, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. Ben & Jerry's is among a growing number of companies committed to making the world a better place while making money. Greenfield describes what it takes to build a successful company while working to be socially responsible. He also gives away the secret of Ben & Jerry's outrageously successful flavors. [122-85]
David Greising writer and Chicago Tribune columnist. Greising's most recent book, I'd Like the World to Buy a Coke, tells the story of the life and leadership of Coca-Cola's legendary CEO, the late Roberto Goizueta. Greising covered business and politics for Business Week in the six southeastern states. [113-69]
Lani Guinier law professor and civil rights attorney. Ms. Guinier offers her perspective on the current state of civil rights in America, stemming in part from her experience being nominated to be Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights in the US Justice department, a nomination which was withdrawn without hearing but with much public controversy. She is the author of Lift Every Voice: Turning a Civil Rights Setback into a New Vision of Social Justice. [114-68]
Alan Guth cosmologist and MIT astrophysicist. "Inflation Theory," which expands the concept of the Big Bang, is credited to Alan Guth. This world-renowned physicist links cosmology and particle physics in an accessible, entertaining conversation about new theories of cosmic origins and explains mathematics' "magic." [126-80]
Margaret Hagen Developmental Psychologist and critic of psychiatric legal testimony. Takes on both the psychology/psychotherapy establishment and the legal profession. She speaks candidly about what she sees as fraud and deception at the heart of America's judicial system. [66-18]
David Halberstam winner of every major American journalistic award. Halberstam won the Pulitzer Prize in 1964 for his early coverage of Vietnam for the New York Times. Since then, his ten books chronicling America have all been best sellers. [106-60]
Anne Harrington historian of science. Specializing in the history of psychiatry, neuroscience and other mind sciences, with a PhD from Oxford, Dr. Harrington is Professor of the History of Science at Harvard, and Visiting Professor at the London School of Economics. She co-directed Harvard’s “Mind, Brain, and Behavior Initiative,” was a consultant for the MacArthur Foundation Research Network on Mind-Body Interactions, and serves on the Board of the Mind & Life Institute. Her books include Stories Under the Skin: the Making of Mind-Body Medicine in America, Medicine, Mind and the Double Brain, and Reenchanted Science. She co-edits “Biosocieties” and her edited collections include The Dalai Lama at MIT. [431-302]
Thom Hartmann writer. Hartmann combines a powerful review of today's glooming environmental challenges with an optimistic call to consciousness combining spirituality and ecology. An award winning author, lecturer, former journalist and psychotherapist, Hartmann is regularly featured in national media. His books include The Prophet's Way and Echoing Rev. Meyers' definition of "fascism," Jared Diamond says that throughout the duration of human civilization, religion has often functioned as the "handmaiden of kleptocracy.". Vermont is his home.
Thom Hartmann(2) — writer and activist. An award-winning author of more than a dozen books, Mr. Hartmann’s latest is Unequal Protection: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights. He is the founder and former CEO of seven corporations that together have generated over a quarter-billion dollars in revenue, has been an international relief worker and a psychotherapist. He now hosts “The Thom Hartmann Radio Program.” [264-222]
Carl Hausman journalist. Half-truths, deceptions, double-talk and ambiguities are a growing plague in today's advertising, politics and all of our media. Mr. Hausman explores how this has come to be and what we can do about it, with suggestions from his book, Lies We Live By. [176-132]
Richie Havens musician. Known to millions as Woodstock's voice of "Freedom," Mr. Havens has been a timeless and unequivocal voice in popular music around the world for almost 40 years. From the Greenwich Village folk scene in the early 1960s to the Presidential Inauguration in 1993, Mr. Havens, -- deeply rooted in the folk/blues/pop traditions -- is known for stirring interpretations of artists are varied as Bob Dylan and the Beatles, Kris Kristofferson, Sting and Mr. Havens' own wealth of socio-political personal compositions. [226-184]
Paul Hawken — environmentalist, entrepreneur, journalist and author. Mr. Hawken’s lifelong commitment to justice and his pioneering entrepreneurial ventures offer individuals and businesses everywhere models for new ways to address daunting threats to life on earth. In Blessed Unrest, Mr. Hawken outlines what is going well in a world full of challenges, celebrates the unreported emergence of a powerful worldwide “movement with no name” -- communities and individuals successfully prevailing in spite of special privilege and wholesale environmental devastation. Mr. Hawken’s Natural Capitalism, The Ecology of Commerce and Growing a Business are international classics. [500-317]
Denis Hayes internationally recognized conservationist, environmental lawyer. Mr. Hayes helped launch the environmental movement in 1970 as national coordinator of the first Earth Day, and now chairs Earth Day internationally. President of the Bullitt Foundation, an environmental philanthropy in Seattle, WA, he chairs the board of the Energy Foundation. Having received the Sierra Club, National Wildlife Federation, American Solar Energy Society and Humane Society's highest honors, Mr. Hayes is author of more than 100 articles and 2 books. He headed President Carter's National Renewable Energy Laboratory and was an adjunct professor of engineering at Stanford. [199-157]
William Least Heat-Moon writer. Mr. Least Heat-Moon's mix of adventure, reportage, philosophy and humor have become a standard by which travel books are now judged. The best-selling author of the classics, Blue Highways and PrairyErth, he now supplements those experiences with stories and insights from having crossed America by boat, memorably recorded in River-Horse. With a PhD in English and an undergraduate degree in journalism, Mr. Least Heat-Moon lives near the Missouri River in Columbia, MO. [219-177]
Lassi Heininen — Docent/Senior Scientist. Dr. Heininen is a senior faculty member and Political Scientist at the University of Lapland. He is also Chairman of the Steering Committee of the Northern Research Forum, and is a leader in studying the issues, concerns and promise of the 8 nations who comprise the Circumpolar North. [308-266]
Patricia Hersch reporter. Ms. Hersch spent 6 years immersed in the world of middle class American adolescence and has come back to report that it is A Tribe Apart. She describes the chilling scene we've created by leaving our kids alone and offers hope for solving some of the problems we've created with that isolation. [152-108]
Lawrence Hill —writer. The experiences of African-Canadians feature broadly in Mr. Hill’s non-fiction as well as his fiction. His latest novel, Someone Knows My Name (published in Canada as The Book of Negroes), is in contention for the prestigous Commonwealth Award. The son of former Americans, Mr. Hill also has a film to his credit, Seeking Salvation: A History of the Black Church in Canada. He lives in Ontario, Canada with his family. [518-337]
Tony Hillerman writer. Past president of the Mystery Writers of America, Mr. Hillerman has received its Edgar and Grand Master Awards. The Wailing Wind is Mr. Hillerman's 18th Joe Leaphorn/Jim Chee mystery. He is a former journalist and English professor who also writes non-fiction. His honors include The Center for the American Indian Ambassador Award, the Silver Spur Award for the best novel set in the West and the Navajo Tribe's Special Friend Award. Mr. Hillerman calls his memoir Seldom Disappointed. [256-214]
James Hillman psychologist, scholar, author. The world's leading Jungian analyst and originator of post-Jungian archetypal psychology, James Hillman has held teaching positions at Yale, the Universities of Chicago, Syracuse and Dallas, where he co-founded the Dallas Institute of Humanities and Culture. Author of more than 20 books, his latest is The Force of Character and The Lasting Life, focusing on life's most misunderstood chapter -- old age. [154-110]
Darlene Clark Hine historian. Dr. Hine is John A. Hannah Professor of History at Michigan State university. She edited the two volume Black Women in America and The Harvard Guide to African American History. With Kathleen Thompson, Dr. Hine wrote A Shining Thread of Hope, a comprehensive history of African American women, beginning in Colonial America in 1619 when the first African women were put ashore at Jamestown, Virginia. [94-47]
Hon. Marian Hobbs — New Zealand’s Minister of Disarmament & Arms Control and Minister for the Environment. New Zealand is considered a global leader on the issue of nuclear disarmament. Minister Hobbs’ portfolio also assigns her responsibility for New Zealand’s Law Commission, National Library, Archives, Urban Affairs and she is associate minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Justice, and Biosecurity. Minister Hobbs entered electoral politics after a 25 year career as a teacher. She has grown children. [379-267]
Harold Holzer — Lincoln scholar. Author of Lincoln President-Elect: Abraham Lincoln and the Great Secession Winter 1860-1861, Mr. Holzer is also Cochairman of the U.S. Lincoln Bicentennial Commission. He is author or coauthor of thirty books on Abraham Lincoln and the American Civil War, won a Lincoln Prize for Lincoln at Cooper Union, four Barondess Awards, a Nevins-Freeman Award, and received three achievement awards from the Lincoln Group of New York. He is senior vice president of external affairs at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. [526a-338]
Tony Horwitz — reporter and author. A Voyage Long and Strange: Rediscovering the New World and other best sellers including Confederates in the Attic, Baghdad Without a Map, and Blue Latitudes are among his contributions to understanding ourselves. Mr. Horwitz started as a reporter in Indiana, then worked for a decade in Australia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. As a foreign correspondent for The Wall Street Journal, he reported on wars and conflicts as a foreign correspondent before returning to the U.S. where he won the Pulitzer Prize for national reporting and worked as a staff reporter for The New Yorker. Now a full-time author, he, his wife Geraldine Brooks, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, and their son live on Martha’s Vineyard. [540a-353]
Philip K. Howard culture critic. Mr. Howard is a New York lawyer and author of The Death of Common Sense and The Lost Art of Drawing the Line. He has advised policy makers in both major political parties and worked on reform initiatives with a number of governors and other public officials. He currently chairs a leading civic group in New York City where he has also led a number of community initiatives. A native Southerner, Mr. Howard is a managing partner of an international law firm in Manhattan, where he and his family live. [224-182]
Arianna Huffington writer, new-media maven. Once powerful within America's conservative circles, Ms. Huffington is now identified with progressive ideas and ideals. Her pointed criticisms of the Republican status quo included a run for Governor of California against Arnold Schwarzenegger. She's a well-known syndicated columnist, television and radio commentator, author of 11 books including On Becoming Fearless. Her "HuffingtonPost.com" has attracted a great deal of attention as a source of news and opinion in the Internet blogosphere. The many-faceted Ms. Huffington started life in Greece, graduated from Cambridge University as president of its famous debating society and is the mother of two teen-aged daughters. [454-301]
James Davison Hunter cultural observer. Dr. Hunter is Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture at the University of Virginia where he is Professor of Sociology and Religious Studies. Dr. Hunter's seven books concerned with the problems of meaning and moral discourse in contemporary American culture include Culture Wars and The Death of Character. [242-200]
Janis Ian musician. Internationally celebrated as singer/songwriter/instrumentalist, Ms. Ian was a girl wonder at 15, bursting onto the music scene with "Society's Child" in 1966. Seventeen albums and an impressive collection of Grammy Awards and nominations later, this musicians' musician's wit, wisdom and singular songs continue to attract many of the world's great artists to her powerful lyrics and melodies and to earn her fans all over the world. In addition to a heavy touring schedule and charity projects, she continues her songwriting and a monthly column for "Performing Songwriter Magazine." [226-184]
Iman, fashion supermodel, CEO of IMAN Cosmetics, Fragrances & Skincare.
Author of The Beauty of Color and I am Iman, Iman’s meteoric rise to
the top echelon of the fashion world began in 1975 when she left university
in Nairobi for New York City. There she began her remarkable 14 year
modeling career. In 1994, she launched her business, the IMAN brand now sold
around the world. Actively involved in Children’s Defense Fund, For All
Kids Foundation and Action Against Hunger, she has received numerous awards
for her humanitarian work. Somalian by birth, Iman is the mother of two
and married to musician David Bowie. [415-309]
Ambassador (ret.) Martin Indyk — former U.S. Ambassador to Israel, Director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at The Brookings Institution. Ambassador Indyk’s carefully documented book Innocent Abroad: An Intimate Acount of American Peace Diplomacy in the Middle East details and critiques the broad sweep of U.S. policy in the Middle East he helped develop and implement. Ambassador Indyk was born in England and educated in Australia before making the United States his home in the early 1980s. Twice the U.S. Ambassador to Israel under President Bill Clinton, he also served in that capacity for the first six months of the Bush administration, as well as in a number of other high level capacities over many years, making him one of the United States’ top diplomats. [536a-349]
Tom Insel M.D. Director of the Center for Behavioral Neurosciences in Atlanta, a National Science Foundation Center for Science and Technology. He leads an interdisciplinary effort of 60 neuroscientists from four Atlanta universities, exploring the interactions of brains and behavior. In addition, the Center focuses on increasing science literacy, attracting non-traditional students to neuroscience and transferring technology. Dr. Insel is former director of the Yerkes Regional Primate Research Center. [164-120]
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