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Index by NAME |
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J. Morton Davis President of D.H. Blair Investment Banking Corp., New York. Davis journeyed from working odd jobs to being head of one of the oldest and most successful underwriters of new companies. His investment strategies, which require that investors work hard and have the stomach for risks, reflects his own remarkable life experience. [91-43]
John Dean — attorney, author and key "Watergate" witness. Mr. Dean's Broken Government: How Republican Rule Destroyed the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Branches, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush, and Conservatives Without Conscience, form a trilogy based on 40 years inside his "former tribe", the Republican Party. Once White House legal counsel to President Richard Nixon, Mr. Dean’s Blind Ambition, published in 1976, was followed by a number of other books. He had also served as chief minority counsel for the House Judiciary Committee and an associate deputy attorney general in the U.S. Department of Justice. Following a successful career as a corporate attorney, he is now a columnist for Findlaw.com and with his wife, Maureen, lives in California. [502-320]
Samuel R. Delany writer. Famous as a Nebula and Hugo Award winning science fiction writer, Mr. Delany broke new fictional ground with his controversial 1975 novel, Dhalgren, which sold over a million copies. He has also published scholarly criticism, fantasy books, poetic novellas and erotica. His critical essays and studies have influenced the shape of science fiction, his essays and interviews continue to appear in current publications. Mr. Delany's teaching posts have included SUNY-Buffalo, the University of Massachusetts/Amherst and Temple University. In 1993, Mr. Delany won the William Whitehead Memorial Award for a Lifetime's Contribution to Lesbian and Gay Writing. [230-188]
Frank Delaney — novelist and former BBC journalist. Born in Tipperary, Ireland, Mr. Delaney has written a novel bearing the name of his hometown, building further on his best-seller Ireland in providing fictional entré into the rich culture, history and current realities of the Emerald Isle. Among his 20 books, he debuted his non-fiction in the U.S. with Simple Courage. In addition to having gained fame in the U.K. during his broadcasting career, he is a judge for the Booker Prize, and writes frequently for American and British publications. He has made the U.S. his home since 2002. [529a-341]
Nelson DeMille Novelist, author of six international Best Sellers. Offers secrets of how he creates worlds into which people pay to enter, including how one goes about writing a Best Seller. The adventures he creates in fiction are matched by the adventures he has lived and shares in conversation. [64-16]
Jason DeParle — reporter. Having covered issues and policy surrounding poverty in the United States for the New York Times, for which he is a senior writer and frequent contributor to it’s “Magazine,” Mr. DeParle has crystallized his expertise and experience in his book American Dream: Three Woman, Ten Kids and Welfare Reform. He has also written for The New Republic, the Washington Monthly and The Times-Picayune. A former Henry Luce Scholar, Mr. DeParle’s reporting on the welfare system was recognized in both 1995 ad 1998 when he was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize. [303-261]
Alan Dershowitz Alan M. Dershowitz, lawyer and scholar. Mr. Dershowitz is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard University. Known for defending the accused in high profile cases, Mr. Dershowitz is also a litigator, columnist, lecturer, book reviewer and author. His most recent book is The Genesis of Justice, in which he suggests Biblical roots for Western justice. [178-134]
Frans de Waal Director of the Yerkes Primate Research Center. Offers insights into the Great Ape Homo Sapien Sapien, Chimpanzees and "Bonobos" the great apes who invented "make love not war" as contrasted with our more aggressive cousins, the chimpanzees. [65-17]
David Denby Film critic and author. Extracts Western literature and philosophy from the "politically correct" wars being waged in America's universities. [75-27]
Michael Dertouzos Director of MIT's Laboratory for Computer Science. Offers a striking middle ground on which "techies" (technology enthusiasts) and "hummies" (humanists) can meet and work together toward the future. For thirty years, he's been championing these ideas while working to bridge the gap. [67-19]
Jared Diamond Pulitzer Prize winning author, physiologist, evolutionary biologist and biogeographer. Diamond is professor of physiology at the UCLA School of Medicine. Guns, Germs and Steel won a Pulitzer Prize and The Third Chimpanzee was a best-selling award winner. Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, the National Academy of Sciences and the American Philosophical Society, Professor Diamond is also a MacArthur Fellow who has published over 200 articles in Discover, Natural History, Nature and Geo magazines. [123-87]
Christopher Dickey reporter and author. An award-winning Newsweek reporter, Mr. Dickey is their Paris Bureau Chief and Middle East Regional Editor. Previously, he was Cairo Bureau Chief and Central America Bureau Chief for the Washington Post. Mr. Dickey, author of Securing the City: Inside America’s Best Counterterror Force -- the NYPD, also writes the weekly “Shadowland” column on counterterrorism, espionage and the Middle East for Newsweek online. His five other books include Summer of Deliverance. He lives in Paris and New York City. [532a-347]
Matt Dickinson adventure-documentary
filmmaker. Matt has been documenting adventures for the BBC, National Geographic
and others for 20 years. In 1996, while filming an ascent up the North Face
of Mt. Everest, Matt catapulted into the roll of mountain climber as well as
filmmaker. He has now added ãwriterä to his credits, recreating
the May, 1996, dramas on Mt. Everest in his adventure book, The Other Side
of Everest. [174-130]
E. L. Doctorow writer. Published in more than 30 languages, Mr. Doctorow’s
fiction includes Ragtime, City of God and The Book of Daniel. The March
brings Mr. Doctorow’s extraordinary novels to a full dozen. It won
Mr. Doctorow a nomination for his second National Book Award and earned him
also his third National Book Critics Circle award for fiction. A playwright
and essayist as well as novelist, Mr. Doctorow’s other honors include
the PEN/Faulkner Award, the Edith Wharton Citation for Fiction, the William
Dean Howells Medal of the American Academy of Arts & Letters, and
the presidentially conferred National Humanities Medal. [429-310]
T.H. Gary Doer Premier of Manitoba, Canada and T.H. Bernard Lord Premier of New Brunswick, Canada. With differing political perspectives and geographic realities within Canada, these two Provincial Premiers are working together across party lines to create new solutions to pressing needs at home and to nurture enhanced relationships with other countries, especially the United States. T.H. Mr. Doer has led the New Democratic Party (NDP) of Manitoba since 1988 and has been premier of this prairie province since 1999. T.H. Mr. Lord has led the Progressive Conservative Party (PCP) of New Brunswick since 1997 and has been premier of this Atlantic province since 1999. [277-235]
Larry Dossey, M.D. Executive Editor of "Alternative Therapies." Explores the dangers as well as power of prayer and the importance of reaching beyond traditional medical practice. [76-28]
Nancy S. Dye former President of Oberlin College. Dye was the thirteenth President -- and the first woman -- of one of America's premiere liberal arts institutions, the first in America to admit students who were women or African-American. Dye is also a teacher, author and scholar of American social history, with a doctorate in history from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. [100-54]
Linda West Eckhardt food writer and commentator. In addition to having written more than a dozen cookbooks, Eckhardt shows people the way back into their homes as the ideal site for entertaining. She is also familiar to those who read her magazine columns and her radio commentaries which are broadcast nationally. [93-45]
John Eidinow — journalist. He and David Edmonds have co-authored three books exploring the stories behind “celebrity dustups”: Rousseau's Dog: Two Great Thinkers at War in the Age of Enlightenment (David Hume & Jean-Jacques Rousseau); Bobby Fischer Goes to War: How the Soviets Lost the Most Extraordinary Chess Match of All Time (chess-masters Fischer & Boris Spassky); and international best-seller Wittgenstein's Poker: The Story of a Ten-Minute Argument Between Two Great Philosophers (Ludwig Wittgenstein and Karl Popper). Mr. Eidinow was and Mr. Edmonds is with the BBC, both have won many awards for their work. [435-321]
Paul Ekman emotions reseach scientist. Professor of psychology in the psychiatry department of the UC Medical School, San Francisco, Dr. Ekman is widely known from the "The New Yorker" article "The Naked Face." Among the world's leading experts on expression, the physiology of emotion and interpersonal deception, Dr. Ekman's books Emotions Revealed and Telling Lies, share his lifetime of research with general audiences. His many honors include the American Psychological Association's Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award. He consults with government agencies, law enforcement professionals and corporations including animations studios Pixar and Industrial Light and Magic. [255-213]
Paul Ekman(3.1) — scientist and emotions researcher. For more than 4 decades psychologist Paul Ekman has been researching emotions and their expression in the human face. His most recent book, Emotional Awareness, was written in collaboration with His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Time magazine included Dr. Ekman as one of the 100 most influential people of 2009. The author of many books, he is also the science advisor to the television series Lie to Me and is the model for the series' protagonist. He regularly critiques that program on the program website.
Joseph J. Ellis — historian. Founding Brothers won the Pulitzer Prize, American Sphinx: The Character of Thomas Jefferson won the National Book Award. With His Excellency: George Washington, Dr. Ellis continues to make early American history and the people who made it relevant to the present and future. With a Ph.D. from Yale, this former Virginian went to the College of William & Mary, has been on the faculty of Mt. Holyoke and a resident of Massachusetts for many years. [373-277]
Rafe Esquith & Joy Berry — educators. For more than 2 decades, Rafe Esquith has taught and continues to teach 5th graders at Hobart elementary school in his native Los Angeles. His Hobart Shakespearean students are widely acclaimed, enhancing their English performing the plays of Shakespeare in the classroom. Mr. Esquith clearly articulates his winning approach to nurturing inner city students in Teach Like Your Hair’s on Fire and There Are No Shortcuts. The only teacher ever to receive America’s National Medal of Arts, Queen Elizabeth made him a Member of the British Empire. Many other awards include those from American Teacher, Parents magazine, Oprah Winfrey, and the Dalai Lama. Mr. Esquith and his wife, Barbara Tong, live in Los Angeles. [535a-348]
Gail Evans CNN Executive Vice President. At CNN since its inception in 1981, Ms. Evans created the first central booking department for a TV network, the first TV talk show to feature women discussing major news issues, she co-developed the first interactive TV news show and played a pivotal role in creating the first daily legal talk show on network TV. The recipient of numerous awards and Emmy nominations, Ms. Evans is on a number of not-for-profit and university boards. Her business book is called Play Like a Man, Win Like a Woman. [184-140]
Sir Harold Evans — journalist & historian. Author of The American Century and They Made America, Sir Harold settled in the U.S. in 1984, having been editor of the “Sunday Times” of London for 14 years, then of the “Times” of London. He was founding editor of “Condé Nast Traveler,” president and publisher of Random House, editorial director and vice chair of “U.S. News & World Report,” the “Atlantic” magazine, “Fast Company” and the “New York Daily News.” Britain’s journalists voted Sir Harold the greatest all-time British newspaper editor in 2002, he was knighted in 2004 for his reporting on thalidomide. Sir Harold lives in New York with his wife, Tina Brown, and their two children. [300-258]
Susan Faludi — journalist and cultural observer. Author of The Terror Dream, an analysis of the roots of and antidotes for fear and fantasy in post-9/11 America, Ms. Faludi won the Pulitzer Prize for her Wall Street Journal reporting showing the human cost of high finance. Both her Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, which won the National Book Critics circle Award for Nonfiction, and Stiffed: The Betrayal of the American Man were best-sellers. Other publications for which Ms. Faludi has written include The New Yorker and The Nation" magazines, The New York Times and the Los Angeles Times. [505-322]
Doyne Farmer physicist and entrepreneur. Dr. Farmer co-founded Prediction Company, which trades financial instruments automatically, based on time series based directional forecasting methods. Dr. Farmer is currently McKinsey professor at the Santa Fe Institute. Earlier, he applied his training in physics at Los Alamos National Labs' Theoretical Division and their Center for Nonlinear Studies, where he founded the Complex Systems Group. [172-128]
Bruce Feiler writer.
In Walking the Bible, Mr. Feiler recounts his visits to the Middle Eastern locations
of stories told in the first five books of the Bible. His four previous books
include a recounting of experiences in Japan (Learning to Bow) and the country
music scene (Dreaming Out Loud). He is a frequent contributor of NPR's "All
Things Considered" and has written for The New Yorker, the New York Times
Magazine, and Gourmet. [213-171]
Bruce Feiler(2) — traveler & writer.
In Walking
the Bible, a best-seller
now also a television special, Abraham and Where
God Was Born, Mr. Feiler recounts eight years of exploring the lands
and stories of Judaism, Christianity,
Islam and Zoroastrianism. Among his previous books, Mr. Feiler recounted
experiences teaching in Japan, traveling with the circus and participating
in America’s country music scene. He is a frequent contributor to public
radio, contributing editor “Gourmet” and “Parade” magazines,
and lectures widely. A native of Savannah, he and his growing family live in
New York. [420-284]
Frederick Ferré philosopher. An voice for "constructive" (in contrast to deconstructive) post-modern ideas, Dr. Ferré retired as Chairman of the Philosophy Department and is Professor Emeritus at The University of Georgia. He is the author of numerous articles and many books, including his constructive postmodern trilogy Being and Value, Knowing and Value and Living and Value, part of the State University of New York (SUNY) Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought. [244-202]
Frederick Ferré(2) philosopher. The world’s leading Constructive Post-Modern philosopher. Dr. Ferré is Research Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, The University of Georgia, and Associate Fellow at Dickinson College where he also taught for many years. His extensive body of work includes his crowning trilogy, Being and Value, Knowing and Value, and Living and Value. In them, he addresses much of Western philosophy and articulates his own inspiring invention, “kalogenesis,” the creation of beauty. Professor Ferré’s Philosophy of Technology is a lucid and comprehensive view of humanity’s ongoing relationship with technology, for good and for ill. He and his wife Barbara Meister-Ferré, a linguist, divide their time between the United States and Germany. [514-325]
Frederick Ferré(3) philosopher, teacher and author. Dr. Ferré has provided a magisterial summary of western philosophy in his three-volume series: Being and Value, Knowing and Value, and Living and Value. In that same context he also presents his fully-formed philosophic view by which we may create our way into a future in which humans are creatively a part of our context ... the ecology of the universe. His Philosophy of Technology is a seminal work on the relationship between humans and their tools and is widely used as a textbook. Dr. Ferré and his wife, Barbara, a linguist, live in Munich.
Charles Fine Professor
of Management and Co-director of MIT's International Motor Vehicle Program.
With an eye to the accelerating pace of change in today's business world, Fine
suggests strategies with which organizations and individuals can increase their
competitive advantage, expanding on ideas developed in his book, Clockspeed.
Joseph Finder — novelist. Trained in intelligence gathering at Harvard,
Mr. Finder has put his knowledge of espionage to work as a writer, both of
non-fiction and now of best-selling fiction. Company Man joins
Paranoia in exploring the corporate business world, in much
the same ways Mr. Finder’s
non-fiction exposé of Armond Hammer in the 1980s revealed hard truths
about the role and sometimes questionable activities of businesses around the
world. [395-274]
Kim Fisher Internet
entrepreneur. Ms. Fisher is CEO and co-founder of Silicon Valley-based AudioBasket.com,
which provides personalized audio news and information via the Internet for
desktop or wireless delivery. With an MBA from UC-Berkeley, Ms. Fisher has over
a decade's experience with entrepreneurial ventures worldwide -- from marketing
manager for an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to co-founding one of Lithuania's
first web page design companies. [188-144]
Ann Florini —
globalization expert. Author of The Coming Democracy: New Rules
for Running a New World, Ann Florini is senior fellow at the Brookings
Institution in Washington, DC, where she directs their project on New Approaches
to Global Governance. Earlier, Dr. Florini served the Carnegie Endowment
for International Peace as a senior associate. Her PhD is from UCLA. [270-228]
Aminatta Forna reporter.
Daughter of an early Sierra Leone cabinet minister, then political prisoner,
and a Scottish mother, the adult Ms. Forna went looking for the truth about
her own life and her father's death in 1974. Telling her family's story, she
also sketches the world in and of post-colonial Africa in The Devil That Danced
on the Water. Ms. Forna now lives in London, works for the BBC and returns often
to her native Sierra Leone, where she and her family are starting a school.
Aminatta Forna(2) writer.
In her prize-winning memoir, The
Devil That Danced on the Water, Ms. Forna focused on her family, especially
the execution of
her father Mohammed, aka Moses, a cabinet minister in post-colonial Sierra
Leone. Now turning to fiction, Ms. Forna gives voice to Sierra Leone’s
African women in her novel Ancestor Stones, resurrecting ancient
African culture and stories. Ms. Forna is a former BBC reporter who relishes
bi-cultural (her mother is Scottish). Now a full time writer, Ms. Forna shares
her time between London and her native Sierra Leone, where she and her father’s
family have created a school and revived her grandfather’s coffee plantation,
which now cultivates cashews. [455-304]
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese Professor of History/Feminist thinker. Offers alternative perspectives to "the official feminist elite." The Economist places Dr. Fox-Genovese among the emerging group of American feminists "fundamentally sympathetic to capitalism and American institutions (who) believe in individual rights, personal responsibility and equality before the law." [77-29]
Thomas Frank — Historian and political observer. He is the author most recently of The Wrecking Crew: How Conservatives Rule. In it he documents decades of Republicans serving the interests of Big Business at the expense of the American people. Mr. Frank, a former Young Republican, also wrote What’s the Matter with Kansas? and One Market Under God, contrasting everyday cultural conservatives with predatory acts of free-market fundamentalists and right wingers committed to destroying government. He was founding editor of The Baffler, is a contributing editor at Harper’s Magazine, received the Lannon Award and is a regular columnist for The Wall Street Journal. [525a-336]
John Hope Franklin, Ph.D. distinguished
historian, scholar, and activist. Recipient of America’s highest civilian
honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Dr. Franklin was 90 when he
wrote his powerful autobiography, _Mirror to America_. His assessment of America’s
20th century fight for civil rights builds on his experiences as an African-American,
as an activist
and as a preeminent historian. Dr. Franklin earned his PhD at Harvard in 1941,
taught at a number of institutions and published widely, has served his profession
as President of all three of its major historical associations, and concludes
his stellar academic career as Duke University’s James B. Duke Professor
Emeritus of History. He has countless awards from around the world and chaired
President Clinton’s Advisory Board on Race.
Robert M. Franklin President, Interdenominational Theological Center. The new leader of the most prominent black seminary in America, formerly at The Ford Foundation, Dr. Franklin details programs that really work to salvage Black urban youth -- America's "wasted treasures"-- as well as supporting children, elders and economic action. [97-50]
Walter J. Freeman
professor of Neurobiology at the University of California at Berkeley. He received
an M.D. from Yale University. He completed postdoctoral training in neurophysiology
at the University of California, Los Angeles in 1959, the year he joined the
Berkeley faculty. He is a leader in the development of artificial neural networks
and an acknowledged pioneer of brain research whose books include Societies
of Brains: A Study in the Neuroscience of Love and Hate. [19-71]
James Frey — writer.
Author of A
Million Little Pieces, a bestseller
memoir of surviving a profound and almost fatal addiction to alcohol and drugs,
Mr. Frey also wrote My Friend Leonard which effectively
completes the story he told in ...Pieces. In addition to these
remarkable books, Mr. Frey
has written and produced films. He now anticipates writing novels and is currently
embarked on writing a screen play based on his memoirs. Originally from Cleveland,
Mr. Frey now lives in New York City with his wife and their daughter. [397-278]
Alexandra Fuller — writer.
Africa is where Ms. Fuller grew up, first in the midst of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe’s
civil war, then Malawi and Zambia. She vividly traced her remarkable childhood
in Don’t Let’s Go
to the Dogs Tonight, a highly praised best-seller. In Scribbling
the Cat, Ms. Fuller tells of chasing the past until it catches her and her
companion, a white former Rhodesian soldier who was on the losing side of that
country’s bloody civil war. In addition to writing books, Ms. Fuller
is published widely in newspapers and magazines including National Geographic, The New Yorker and The New York Times Book Review. She and her family live in Wyoming. [390-271]
Alexandra Fuller(3) — writer. Winner of the international Ulysses Prize for literary reportage in her native Africa, Ms. Fuller’s book The Legend of Colton H. Bryant takes place in the gas and oil fields of Wyoming, USA, where she lives. Born in the U.K., she grew up in Africa in the midst of Rhodesia/Zimbabwe’s civil war, then in Malawi and Zambia. She explores those years and their aftermath in her best-seller Don’t Let’s Go to the Dogs Tonight and Scribbling the Cat. In addition to writing books, Ms. Fuller is published widely in newspapers including The New York Times and magazines including The New Yorker and National Geographic. [520a-329]
Robert W. Fuller — author.
Once a physics professor at Columbia University, then president of Oberlin College
in the 1970s where he led educational reforms that got national attention, Dr.
Fuller participated for many years as an international advocate for “citizen
diplomacy.” Now Robert Fuller exposes and explores systemic abuses of
power he calls “rankism” in his book, Somebodies and Nobodies. [285-243]
Robert W. Funk (1926 - 2005) was
a distinguished biblical scholar, Guggenheim Fellow and former senior Fulbright
Scholar. Dr. Funk was executive secretary, then president of the prestigious
Society for Biblical Literature. He founded The Jesus Seminar in 1985. Until
his death in September, 2005, Dr. Funk was Director of the Westar Institute.
In addition to being a scholar, teacher, and gifted linguist, Dr. Funk has
written more than a dozen books, including The Five Gospels: The Search
for the Authentic Words of Jesus and Honest to Jesus: Jesus
for a New Millennium. [53-5]
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