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The Paula Gordon Show |
The End Of Silence | |
Every day at grocery checkout stands and in the mass media, we are bombarded with numerous, often conflicting health myths about women. They compete for our attention with mass media reports of growing numbers of health related scientific studies and all kinds of proposed new treatments for ailments. How does a woman (or a man who cares about women) who wants to make good decisions about her health care cut through all the clutter? Clearly, good information is required. And hard to identify. The National Academy of Science' Institute of Medicine (IOM) put together a "Guide to Women's Health Issues" which they call In Her Own Right. Dr. Karen Hein, Executive Officer of the IOM, is the spokesperson for the book. In this conversation with Paula Gordon and Bill Russell, Dr. Hein talks about pressing needs. 1.) Women and their health care providers need to emphasize prevention instead of treatment, move from thinking about "medicine" to thinking about "health." 2.) Women need to be more responsible for their own health, move away from paternalistic doctor-patient relationships, replace monologues with dialogues. 3.) And there is an urgent need to study women directly, stop extrapolating health care information about women from studies done on men. "The Institute of Medicine is looking at women's health and health care through a different lens. What's unique to women -- in nature and nurture? There are real gender differences in health. What are they? We need to know the roots of those differences. How do men and women respond to the same situations? "We must look at the whole range of health issues and prevention that particularly affect women through their entire lifespan. Some examples: Women live longer and also take longer to die because we're frail. Frailty and a host of other disabilities are preventable. For one thing, good nutrition is vital. Adults put teenagers at risk with our mixed messages about sex. We can do something about that. Tobacco is the number one cause of disabilities in the world and has been made particularly attractive to young women. The disabilities that come with the use of tobacco are preventable. Unwanted pregnancies are preventable. As people travel more and more, epidemics are a growing threat. Vaccines prevent all kinds of diseases that affect women and their children everywhere in the global village." Dr. Hein calls for an end to The Silent Era in women's health care. "If something doesn't feel right, women must speak out -- to their doctors, to their employers or to Congress. The old paternalistic practice of medicine no longer works." Beryl Lieff Benderly, a health and psychology writer, wrote In Her Own Right: The Institute of Medicine's Guide to Women's Health Issues for the IOM. All the studies from which she drew writing the Guide are available on the Internet at www.nas.edu. |
Segment 1 Today, most people interested in issues affecting women's health have only fragmentary and changing bits of information. Dr. Karen Hein, in conversation with Paula Gordon and Bill Russell, describes the Institute of Medicine (IOM), part of the National Academy of Sciences. The goal of the IOM's current work with women's health issues is to present an objective picture of the health issues women face so that women -- and the men who care about women -- can make good health related decisions over the course of a lifetime. |
Segment 2
Women's health issues span their lifetime. It starts at birth. World-wide, more females are born, but more males survive because of preferential
feeding. Girls and boys have different experiences in grade school. Teenage girls have internalized societal attitudes which often lead to
wide-spread eating disorders. |
Segment 3
The Institute of Medicine compiled In Her Own Right to look at women's health and health care through a different lens, to find what's unique to women. Women and men often respond differently to the same health challenges. Women often turn energy inward, resulting in mental illness and addiction. Men more commonly direct that same energy outward, resulting in antisocial behavior and violence. We're learning more about how genetics and hormones contribute to these differences. |
Segment 4 Doctors must now treat whole people, not just diseases. We must all shift from a focus on "medicine" to thinking about "health." Prevention is central and requires information. All the studies that went into In Her Own Right are available on the Internet at www.nas.edu. Before going to the doctor, ask yourself, "What do I want to get out of this visit?" The movement toward managed care offers a great opportunity. Most managed care is employer-based. Employees must tell employers what they need in their plans. 40,700,000 Americans are uninsured. Most of them work, and women and teenagers are the most likely to be uninsured. "Vaccines become a good investment in the Global Village". |
Segment 5
We need to get serious about new, better contraceptives. "Here's a reasonable goal -- let's make every pregnancy intended." Of the six million pregnancies in America every year, fully half are unintended. |
Segment 6 We need to reestablish our sense of community to solve complicated problems. Different views are healthy. Get over today's trend toward being exclusive instead of inclusive. Women must start by taking care of themselves. Develop a dialogue -- not a monologue -- with your doctor. Go for prevention, not just treatment. Take a life-span perspective, help other women locally and globally to stay healthy. Return to a focus on healing and being supportive. |
Our thanks to Toni Werbell of Toni Werbell Public Relations and Sandra Matthews of the Institute of Medicine for helping gather website materials. |
Related Links National Academy of Science (http://www.nas.edu). |